"I got more than I bargained for"? Well, that has been on my mind today. I think it totally describes salvation and the Christian walk. You see when I got saved I just wanted relief! Yep, you heard me....I just wanted to be able to sleep at night, to not feel "guilty" anymore, to have peace and to not be afraid of dying and going to hell for eternity. That was it. What I got at salvation was all those things but boy oh boy did I ever get "more than I bargained for!"
You see, over the years of my Christian walk and growth in Him I've expereinced more than just peace....I experienced peace that passes all understanding. When Hope had to have her skin cancer removed this summer.....peace...not panic. Was that me?...are you kidding? ...lol...That was my Father! When Hope and Ben split up and it seemed that the young man I loved and knew was changing and going in a direction away from the Lord and Hope's heart was broken in pieces, I wasn't in a tailspin....I just prayed, waited, trusted. Guess what? God did a work in them both that I NEVER could have done and now they are not only back together and happier than they have ever been, they are determined to serve Christ together. They want to live for Him, serve Him, grow in Him. Wow...again....that was God! Doug had melanoma taken off his back this year...again...peace...that was my Father. I've been praying for months about a certain situation not seeing any results but God was working behind the scenes so to speak and he heard my prayers...every single word of them, he answered in His time, not mine. I'm glad His timing is always perfect. Hannah was flying at cheer practice and was dropped on her head and shoulders, when the coach called....peace....not panic...thank you Lord. Hannah was fine, sore and stiff for a couple of days but fine. You see that day they were practicing on the grass outside....not the hardwood floors of the gym....coincidence? ....NO WAY!!..That was my father once again.
I could type for hours and hours and not even skim the surface of what all God has done for us in 2008. It really is humbling to think upon it. Did I deserve His goodness?.....Oh no, not even a little. But again, I got more than I bargained for. I have a Father who loves to give. In fact, you can't out give Him. He loves extravagantly, and gives unselfishly. I've thought things were impossible....He proved they weren't. I've given up some of my dreams, He comes along and surpasses my wildest dream or imagination. He is AWESOME!
Dear Sisters, God is good. He is worthy of all our praise and remember that being a King's kid is going to be "more than you bargained for"....but boy is it EXCITING!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
His Grace
Well, the Cantata/play is over and my focus this morning is on my Bible study that will start back up in January, just a few weeks away. I have been working on lesson 5 which is "Grace, God's provision for every need" and it is blessing my heart! I want you to read a passage from the book that says it so clearly.
"Our situation was truly desperate. We had no hope....no possibility of overcoming sin's dominion on our own. No power to initiate our own salvation. No potential of ever having a right relationship with God. We could not do anything to change or improve our situation. If our sinful condition had made us only sick or weak, we might have entertained hopes of getting better. BUT we weren't sick; we were dead. Someone had to infuse life into us. Someone did."
That is if you are redeemed. If you have accepted Christ you have been made alive. You see God didn't come to make bad people good....he came to make dead people alive! If you haven't accepted his extravagant gift of grace and love.....what are you waiting for? Honestly, what? Do you not want to go to heaven? Do you not want to be forgiven? Do you not want peace? Do you not want joy that springs up from deep within? Do you not want a God who is able to do ANYTHING??!! He did for us what we could NOT do for ourselves! There is a line in my study that says "...our eternal soul sat on death row. But where there is God there is grace, and where there is grace there is pardon." Thank you Jesus!!! His word tells us that he doesn't want anyone to perish. But the truth is, there will be those who will reject Him and be condemned to hell for all eternity. It is man's choice...his free will to choose God and Grace or choose self and condemnation. The word also tells us that we are not promised tomorrow. Choose Jesus today. Start living today. Start walking as a child of God today. And thank Jesus for all he's done.
These are the lyrics to a song our choir does and it is my heart's cry this morning.
Thank you for the cross Lord
Thank you for the price you paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love you came
And gave amazing Grace!
Thank you for this love Lord
Thank you for the nail pierced hands
Wash me in your cleansing flow, now all I know
Is your forgiveness and embrace
Worthy is the Lamb!
Seated on the throne
Crown you now with many crowns
You reign victorious!!!
High and lifted up
Jesus son of God
The darling of heaven crucified...
Worthy is the lamb
Worthy is the lamb
Worthy is the lamb!
Oh thank you for Grace Lord! I KNOW I don't deserve it but if I did.....it wouldn't be grace.
Maybe we all should take some time to thank our Father for grace....just let him know we are truly thankful!
"Our situation was truly desperate. We had no hope....no possibility of overcoming sin's dominion on our own. No power to initiate our own salvation. No potential of ever having a right relationship with God. We could not do anything to change or improve our situation. If our sinful condition had made us only sick or weak, we might have entertained hopes of getting better. BUT we weren't sick; we were dead. Someone had to infuse life into us. Someone did."
That is if you are redeemed. If you have accepted Christ you have been made alive. You see God didn't come to make bad people good....he came to make dead people alive! If you haven't accepted his extravagant gift of grace and love.....what are you waiting for? Honestly, what? Do you not want to go to heaven? Do you not want to be forgiven? Do you not want peace? Do you not want joy that springs up from deep within? Do you not want a God who is able to do ANYTHING??!! He did for us what we could NOT do for ourselves! There is a line in my study that says "...our eternal soul sat on death row. But where there is God there is grace, and where there is grace there is pardon." Thank you Jesus!!! His word tells us that he doesn't want anyone to perish. But the truth is, there will be those who will reject Him and be condemned to hell for all eternity. It is man's choice...his free will to choose God and Grace or choose self and condemnation. The word also tells us that we are not promised tomorrow. Choose Jesus today. Start living today. Start walking as a child of God today. And thank Jesus for all he's done.
These are the lyrics to a song our choir does and it is my heart's cry this morning.
Thank you for the cross Lord
Thank you for the price you paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love you came
And gave amazing Grace!
Thank you for this love Lord
Thank you for the nail pierced hands
Wash me in your cleansing flow, now all I know
Is your forgiveness and embrace
Worthy is the Lamb!
Seated on the throne
Crown you now with many crowns
You reign victorious!!!
High and lifted up
Jesus son of God
The darling of heaven crucified...
Worthy is the lamb
Worthy is the lamb
Worthy is the lamb!
Oh thank you for Grace Lord! I KNOW I don't deserve it but if I did.....it wouldn't be grace.
Maybe we all should take some time to thank our Father for grace....just let him know we are truly thankful!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
HE did it!!!
Last night was the first performance of our Christmas Cantata/Play at Gospel Baptist Church and it was amazing! The hours of hard work was blessed and God enabled us to sing the notes and remember the words and all of the lights and music went without a hitch; but above all, He came. Our Savior's presence was in the house and the work of the Holy Spirit was evident at the time of invitation when multiple souls said "Yes Lord Jesus" and became children of God! Hallelujah!!
The Sunday afternoons we sacrificed, the hours upon hours of listening to that CD in the car and in our homes, the sleepless night Eddie spent with the lighting crew, the hours upon hours that Kristy worked on the set and all the other many people who worked so hard are rejoicing that God saw fit to bless our efforts and use us to lead souls to Him. Our sacrifice of love to our Savior and our prayers that someone would be made aware of their need for Him were answered and we give Him all praise!!!
Tonight is the last performance and we again come to Him and ask Him to draw them in and draw them to Him. We are praying that Christ and Christ alone will be seen in us. We KNOW that we are NOTHING on our own....it is Christ who has enabled us to do this cantata and we pray it will be pleasing in His sight once again!
If you can come tonight at 6:00, please do! It is a beautiful cantata/play and tells the story of how Love Came Down to earth so many years ago. Gospel Baptist is located on N. Church Street in Greensboro near the intersection of 150 and Church. The service starts at 6:00p.m. Everyone is WELCOME!!
The Sunday afternoons we sacrificed, the hours upon hours of listening to that CD in the car and in our homes, the sleepless night Eddie spent with the lighting crew, the hours upon hours that Kristy worked on the set and all the other many people who worked so hard are rejoicing that God saw fit to bless our efforts and use us to lead souls to Him. Our sacrifice of love to our Savior and our prayers that someone would be made aware of their need for Him were answered and we give Him all praise!!!
Tonight is the last performance and we again come to Him and ask Him to draw them in and draw them to Him. We are praying that Christ and Christ alone will be seen in us. We KNOW that we are NOTHING on our own....it is Christ who has enabled us to do this cantata and we pray it will be pleasing in His sight once again!
If you can come tonight at 6:00, please do! It is a beautiful cantata/play and tells the story of how Love Came Down to earth so many years ago. Gospel Baptist is located on N. Church Street in Greensboro near the intersection of 150 and Church. The service starts at 6:00p.m. Everyone is WELCOME!!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Our Pilgrimage
Have you ever looked up the definition for pilgrim? We often think about pilgrims at Thanksgiving. Elementary school age children may dress up like them or do a play in which they act as a pilgrim. But we who are born again and are living the Christian life are pilgrims too. Here's Webster's definition.
Pilgrim - a person who travels to a holy place. 2. a person who travels about; wanderer.
We fit that description don't we??? As God's child I am a wanderer in a world that does not love Him. A world that does not respect Him. A world that does not fear Him. I am traveling through until it is time to go to the holy city called heaven where my Father is waiting. You know, this could kinda seem sad and a bit discouraging, I mean, we are not welcome here and we certainly don't "fit" in. I have found a verse in Psalm 119 that encourages me and I want to share it with you!
Psalm 119:54 Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.
Once again it is the WORD that makes the difference! We can actually have joy in this pilgrimage. The Word of God can give us a song! If we live our lives basing every decision whether big or small by God's word we will have a song. I know at times I have quickly read a verse and considered my "devotion" done for the day but what an injustice I have done to not only my God but to myself! I MUST take it in and build a foundation upon which I can stand when times are hard! Remember ladies, you can not pour concrete in the rain.....pour it when the sun is shining so that when the rains come you can stand upon the firm foudation you have built! The Word is the concrete!
Farther down in that Psalm in verse 62 it says "At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments." I think the Psalmist must have dwelt on how good the Word was and had to get out of bed just to Praise God! I want to praise Him now....HE IS WORTHY!
Keep walking dear pilgrim......and keep singing!
Pilgrim - a person who travels to a holy place. 2. a person who travels about; wanderer.
We fit that description don't we??? As God's child I am a wanderer in a world that does not love Him. A world that does not respect Him. A world that does not fear Him. I am traveling through until it is time to go to the holy city called heaven where my Father is waiting. You know, this could kinda seem sad and a bit discouraging, I mean, we are not welcome here and we certainly don't "fit" in. I have found a verse in Psalm 119 that encourages me and I want to share it with you!
Psalm 119:54 Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.
Once again it is the WORD that makes the difference! We can actually have joy in this pilgrimage. The Word of God can give us a song! If we live our lives basing every decision whether big or small by God's word we will have a song. I know at times I have quickly read a verse and considered my "devotion" done for the day but what an injustice I have done to not only my God but to myself! I MUST take it in and build a foundation upon which I can stand when times are hard! Remember ladies, you can not pour concrete in the rain.....pour it when the sun is shining so that when the rains come you can stand upon the firm foudation you have built! The Word is the concrete!
Farther down in that Psalm in verse 62 it says "At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous judgments." I think the Psalmist must have dwelt on how good the Word was and had to get out of bed just to Praise God! I want to praise Him now....HE IS WORTHY!
Keep walking dear pilgrim......and keep singing!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The rest of the story.....
Well, the banquet was last night and let me just say that God was faithful once again. I had been very sick this week and congested and God cleared my throat for me to sing and speak. Praise His name. This morning I awoke very conjested again and not able to sing so I know it was Him that intervened to help me. I also know he sent someone to encourage me and assure my heart that was so panicked on Thursday. Here's my story.
I went to the Dr. at 10:30 on Thursday and got a shot, nose spray and a pill to try to make the symptoms subside so that I could speak and sing at the banquet. Even though I knew God was in control, in my humanity I was panicked thinking how difficult it would be for that dear pastor's wife to find another speaker last minute. I went back to work feeling pretty yucky and sounding even worse than I felt and not even 10 minutes after I returned to the commercial room to begin work I had a customer walk in that I had never seen before. I greeted him out of formality and began his transaction. He leaned over the counter and said "Do you sing?" .....I looked up and answered "yes sir"...thinking how weird a question that was. Then he said "Do you play an instrument?"..........I stopped, looked up and said "Yes sir"...and at that moment began to realize that this was no ordinary transaction. He said in the kindest voice "You're gonna be just fine."....I couldn't hardly speak...I said "How did you know?"....he said, "The Lord will honor your attitude of gratitude"......by this time I could feel the tears coming....that is a phrase I pray all the time....Lord, help me have an attitude of gratitude. How could he have known???? Then as he took his receipt and headed for the door he said "I'll pray that the Lord's annointing be upon you tomorrow night." ...and he left. I have worked there over a year and I've never seen this man before. I've never experienced anything like that either. I was so humbled that God cared so much for his daughter and knew how panicked her heart was that he sent someone that I could hear audibly to comfort my heart. Wow....what a savior!! I did not worry anymore after that. I knew no matter how things turned out....they'd be o.k. I was once again able to focus on just being a vessel He could use. I've always read the verse that says we entertain angels unaware and I'm not saying that was what he was....he may have been just a very godly man who was so intune with his Savior that he obeyed his instructions to give me those words. But I do know to me he was as clear a picture of an angel of love that I have ever seen and I'll never forget that day.
The banquet was wonderful....the ladies had done a fabulous job of decorating and preparing, the food was wonderful, the games and skit so much fun and so refreshing for our souls and I had great liberty to speak. What a blessing. I pray that someone in that place will be encouraged by something I've said. We serve a wonderful Savior.
Thanks to all who prayed for me....our Father heard every word! I love you all!
I went to the Dr. at 10:30 on Thursday and got a shot, nose spray and a pill to try to make the symptoms subside so that I could speak and sing at the banquet. Even though I knew God was in control, in my humanity I was panicked thinking how difficult it would be for that dear pastor's wife to find another speaker last minute. I went back to work feeling pretty yucky and sounding even worse than I felt and not even 10 minutes after I returned to the commercial room to begin work I had a customer walk in that I had never seen before. I greeted him out of formality and began his transaction. He leaned over the counter and said "Do you sing?" .....I looked up and answered "yes sir"...thinking how weird a question that was. Then he said "Do you play an instrument?"..........I stopped, looked up and said "Yes sir"...and at that moment began to realize that this was no ordinary transaction. He said in the kindest voice "You're gonna be just fine."....I couldn't hardly speak...I said "How did you know?"....he said, "The Lord will honor your attitude of gratitude"......by this time I could feel the tears coming....that is a phrase I pray all the time....Lord, help me have an attitude of gratitude. How could he have known???? Then as he took his receipt and headed for the door he said "I'll pray that the Lord's annointing be upon you tomorrow night." ...and he left. I have worked there over a year and I've never seen this man before. I've never experienced anything like that either. I was so humbled that God cared so much for his daughter and knew how panicked her heart was that he sent someone that I could hear audibly to comfort my heart. Wow....what a savior!! I did not worry anymore after that. I knew no matter how things turned out....they'd be o.k. I was once again able to focus on just being a vessel He could use. I've always read the verse that says we entertain angels unaware and I'm not saying that was what he was....he may have been just a very godly man who was so intune with his Savior that he obeyed his instructions to give me those words. But I do know to me he was as clear a picture of an angel of love that I have ever seen and I'll never forget that day.
The banquet was wonderful....the ladies had done a fabulous job of decorating and preparing, the food was wonderful, the games and skit so much fun and so refreshing for our souls and I had great liberty to speak. What a blessing. I pray that someone in that place will be encouraged by something I've said. We serve a wonderful Savior.
Thanks to all who prayed for me....our Father heard every word! I love you all!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Ladies Christmas Banquet...
Tomorrow night is the Ladies Christmas Banquet at True Gospel where I'll be singing and speaking. My desire is that anyone who sees this before 6:30 on Friday Dec. 6th will pray for God to use me to minister to those ladies. May He be the teacher and I the vessel through which he uses.
I have a very powerful and miraculous story to tell after tomorrow night....I don't have time to post it right now.....but let's just say I was in awe of God today and it was a feeling to good to try to explain with words, but one to wonderful to not try!
Thank you for your prayers and for loving me!
Serving the Almighty God,
I have a very powerful and miraculous story to tell after tomorrow night....I don't have time to post it right now.....but let's just say I was in awe of God today and it was a feeling to good to try to explain with words, but one to wonderful to not try!
Thank you for your prayers and for loving me!
Serving the Almighty God,
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Making a Memory...
Today my future son-in-love and I went Christmas shopping together. He wanted my opinion on something for Hope and I did some shopping while we were out. We started our morning with a devotion in the car on the way to breakfast and then ate at a little restaurant called Cafe 65 that a sweet lady named Tammy has bought and is running. (She used to be the best waitress at Chaney's in my opinion) We enjoyed our food and conversation and then started our many stops. The first one being Family Christian.....not a good place to leave the two of us for very long. We can spend way to much...WAY to FAST!! lol! But after our door busters, coupons and sale items we saved $170.00 ......Now that is some gooooooood shopping! lol! We shared our thoughts, had sweet fellowship and laughed a lot! What a sweet time it was. I don't get to spend much time with Ben just the two of us so it was a special blessing. He is an extraordinary young man and I am proud of him and love him like my own. We talked a lot about the goodness of God and how merciful and kind He is. Ben and Hope make a wonderful couple and God is going to use them for his kingdom...I watch with great anticipation! Not many young men would want to spend the day with their future Mother-in-law.......how blessed I am!
He and I returned this afternoon with sweet memories and some secrets that Miss Hope will just have to wait a little longer to find out about!!! hee hee
He and I returned this afternoon with sweet memories and some secrets that Miss Hope will just have to wait a little longer to find out about!!! hee hee
Friday, November 21, 2008
IT SNOWED!!!!!!!!!
What a WONDERFUL surprise this morning to get up and see the ground covered with beautiful white snow!!! Nothing else compares to how clean and pure it looks when a fresh snow comes! I get so excited! I'm just like a little kid. I called Renea at 7:00a.m. this morning and said "Guess what???!!! I know what God was having for breakfast this morning....powered donuts and some spilled over on us!"....I told ya...like a kid. lol.
I can not look at creation and not be amazed! That snow this morning in its beauty reminded me of how we must look to God when he see the righteousness of Christ covering us!!! We are so clean and pure! Our yard was covered in dead, crunchy, yucky leaves but now....you can't see them....they are covered in pure white snow. Well, my sins, as ugly as they were are covered in the blood of Christ and I have been made as white as snow!!! Thank you Lord!!! What a blessed Reminder!
I can not look at creation and not be amazed! That snow this morning in its beauty reminded me of how we must look to God when he see the righteousness of Christ covering us!!! We are so clean and pure! Our yard was covered in dead, crunchy, yucky leaves but now....you can't see them....they are covered in pure white snow. Well, my sins, as ugly as they were are covered in the blood of Christ and I have been made as white as snow!!! Thank you Lord!!! What a blessed Reminder!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
It could have been a commercial......
Bottom Round Roast......$10.00
Creamed Corn............$5.00
Creamed Potatoes........$3.00
Having my family sit around the table and share their day and their laughter......
Call Mastercard and tell them we're in.....we have their next commercial! LOL!
It really is priceless though. When we all come to the table we bring lots of variety. There's Hannah who talks non stop about her day, what she and Lauren did in Coach O'Neals class that cracked them up and then she begins laughing all over again and it makes us all laugh because Hannah's laugh is contagious for sure!! Then there's Hope who very quietly and patiently waits for her turn to share something about ROTC and maybe her plans for the future. I also love watching Hope when Hannah is telling a story because she smiles and laughs right along with Hannah. Even though Hannah's tenacity and spunkyness gets on Hope's nerves they are two of the very things she admires about her as well. Then there's Ben who you can tell is really enjoying his food, talks about his day at Fastenal and what stock he has put out and how he unloaded the truck and maybe about a colorful customer he had that day, something that he and Rock might have talked about, or maybe something new the Lord has shown him that day. Doug and I interject from time to time but it is just a joy for us to hear our kids. To listen to them and feel like we are a part of their lives.
Our table isn't just a place to set your plate, it is a place where we connect and our love grows for one another. Some nights the food may be simple and some nights it may look like a homecoming (depending upon my mood and our finances..lol) but it is always a place of unity and love. We give thanks every time before we eat but I assure you my heart is not just blessing the food.....it is thanking God for the honor of being with my family.
I know of another table that one day I will sit at and fellowship with my loved ones and that is at the Lord's table in heaven. I can't help but think how excited he is at the thought of that day when all his kids are finally home and sitting around his table. I'm sure the thought tugs at the very heart strings of God. You know, Ben isn't actually my biological child but he's mine all the same. I'd fight for him, nurture him, take care of him when he is sick, give him whatever he needed...I love him....he's mine. That's the way God's family is....we've been adopted in. If you are not in this family, if you are not sure that you will get to be seated at that table one day then please ask Jesus to become your father. He's waiting with open arms of mercy and love. There is NO sin to big that he can't forgive it. You just have to let him in.....he's patiently waiting. Open your heart's door. I want to see you at the table!
Creamed Corn............$5.00
Creamed Potatoes........$3.00
Having my family sit around the table and share their day and their laughter......
Call Mastercard and tell them we're in.....we have their next commercial! LOL!
It really is priceless though. When we all come to the table we bring lots of variety. There's Hannah who talks non stop about her day, what she and Lauren did in Coach O'Neals class that cracked them up and then she begins laughing all over again and it makes us all laugh because Hannah's laugh is contagious for sure!! Then there's Hope who very quietly and patiently waits for her turn to share something about ROTC and maybe her plans for the future. I also love watching Hope when Hannah is telling a story because she smiles and laughs right along with Hannah. Even though Hannah's tenacity and spunkyness gets on Hope's nerves they are two of the very things she admires about her as well. Then there's Ben who you can tell is really enjoying his food, talks about his day at Fastenal and what stock he has put out and how he unloaded the truck and maybe about a colorful customer he had that day, something that he and Rock might have talked about, or maybe something new the Lord has shown him that day. Doug and I interject from time to time but it is just a joy for us to hear our kids. To listen to them and feel like we are a part of their lives.
Our table isn't just a place to set your plate, it is a place where we connect and our love grows for one another. Some nights the food may be simple and some nights it may look like a homecoming (depending upon my mood and our finances..lol) but it is always a place of unity and love. We give thanks every time before we eat but I assure you my heart is not just blessing the food.....it is thanking God for the honor of being with my family.
I know of another table that one day I will sit at and fellowship with my loved ones and that is at the Lord's table in heaven. I can't help but think how excited he is at the thought of that day when all his kids are finally home and sitting around his table. I'm sure the thought tugs at the very heart strings of God. You know, Ben isn't actually my biological child but he's mine all the same. I'd fight for him, nurture him, take care of him when he is sick, give him whatever he needed...I love him....he's mine. That's the way God's family is....we've been adopted in. If you are not in this family, if you are not sure that you will get to be seated at that table one day then please ask Jesus to become your father. He's waiting with open arms of mercy and love. There is NO sin to big that he can't forgive it. You just have to let him in.....he's patiently waiting. Open your heart's door. I want to see you at the table!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
What do you think?????
Tomorrow is the deadline for Hope's senior ad for the yearbook. I spent over 2 hours tonight looking through picture albums and trying to decide which pictures to include. Doug and I decided on a 1/2 page ad and we were allowed 6 photos and a message. The message wasn't that hard but choosing only 6 photos was very difficult.
I couldn't help but smile at some, giggle at others, and tear up at some of the photos because they weren't just an image of our oldest daughter.....they were memories. There was one of her when she was just about a year old with a mint green jogging suit and a pink hat with a fuzzy ball on top and she is in my arms; it is one of my favorite pictures of us. There was another of her and her daddy and Hannah, one on each side of him with their faces pressed onto one another with a huge grin. The girls were wearing their snoopy Christmas sweat shirts that Shela Rose gave them. It is really a sweet photo.
The photos covered almost 18 years of her life. Wow....where does the time go? She was once just a little blond fuzzy headed toothless baby and now she is a beautiful brunette with the straightest teeth and prettiest smile you've ever seen! (After about $7,000.00 worth of orthodontic work...lol) And now she isn't just in love with her family she's totally head over heals for a 20 year old young man named Ben Minter.
I couldn't help but think of now if you showed the kids at school her baby pictures and asked them to guess who it was they would probably not have a clue that it was Hope, but I would. I'd know her anywhere at any age....that's because she's mine. That's how God is. We may change in appearance from the time we became his child but he always knows it is us. He knows our voice, He knows our features and mannerisms, and I think He cherishes each memory he has of us. Max Lucado said "If God had a refrigerator our picture would be on it and if he carried a wallet our picture would be in it." God is God...He knows all and doesn't need a physical album full of pictures to remember all the good times, but I can't help but think that my father is proud of us and our growth just like Doug and I are of Hope's. You see, we've seen her work so hard, and struggle at times, feel rejection, experience loss, enjoy triumph and it makes us proud of who she is and how she is growing up to be a wonderful, amazing young woman. God's never missed a moment of our spiritual growth; not one tear, not one struggle, not one victory....he's seen it all and I know as a father He is proud of us.
The last part of what I wrote in Hope's ad says "We will be watching you with joy and excitement as you enter college and the adventures that life will bring in the days ahead, and we will always be here with open arms of love and words of encouragement any time you need them." Don't you know Jesus will do the same for you!
I couldn't help but smile at some, giggle at others, and tear up at some of the photos because they weren't just an image of our oldest daughter.....they were memories. There was one of her when she was just about a year old with a mint green jogging suit and a pink hat with a fuzzy ball on top and she is in my arms; it is one of my favorite pictures of us. There was another of her and her daddy and Hannah, one on each side of him with their faces pressed onto one another with a huge grin. The girls were wearing their snoopy Christmas sweat shirts that Shela Rose gave them. It is really a sweet photo.
The photos covered almost 18 years of her life. Wow....where does the time go? She was once just a little blond fuzzy headed toothless baby and now she is a beautiful brunette with the straightest teeth and prettiest smile you've ever seen! (After about $7,000.00 worth of orthodontic work...lol) And now she isn't just in love with her family she's totally head over heals for a 20 year old young man named Ben Minter.
I couldn't help but think of now if you showed the kids at school her baby pictures and asked them to guess who it was they would probably not have a clue that it was Hope, but I would. I'd know her anywhere at any age....that's because she's mine. That's how God is. We may change in appearance from the time we became his child but he always knows it is us. He knows our voice, He knows our features and mannerisms, and I think He cherishes each memory he has of us. Max Lucado said "If God had a refrigerator our picture would be on it and if he carried a wallet our picture would be in it." God is God...He knows all and doesn't need a physical album full of pictures to remember all the good times, but I can't help but think that my father is proud of us and our growth just like Doug and I are of Hope's. You see, we've seen her work so hard, and struggle at times, feel rejection, experience loss, enjoy triumph and it makes us proud of who she is and how she is growing up to be a wonderful, amazing young woman. God's never missed a moment of our spiritual growth; not one tear, not one struggle, not one victory....he's seen it all and I know as a father He is proud of us.
The last part of what I wrote in Hope's ad says "We will be watching you with joy and excitement as you enter college and the adventures that life will bring in the days ahead, and we will always be here with open arms of love and words of encouragement any time you need them." Don't you know Jesus will do the same for you!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hope & Ben's trip to the Mountains
Ben took Hope to the Mountains in VA for a day of admiring the Lord's work in creation. The leaves were beautiful and they enjoyed the time of just being together. They both have such a love for God's creation and enjoy worshiping Him as they take it all in. Ben also stopped at Nancy's Candy store and bought fudge and chocolate dipped pretzels for he and Hope....they even brought me a surprise! It was a day for making memories that they'll cherish for a long time.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Praise Him!
Psalm 92:1 "It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High:"
Praise, a word mentioned 248 times in scripture. A pretty important concept that God wants us to learn. What do you think of when you hear the word praise? Do you think of uplifted hands, shouting, crying, praying, being down on bended knee? There are certainly varied ways to praise Him. All of those things I just mentioned can be forms of praise but so can the simple things in life such as seeing a beautiful sunset and recognizing the fact that your God created that. Giving of your time to help someone in need and being joyful in the midst of that. Loving someone when it is hard to do so because you know God loved you while you were still a sinner (Romans 5:8). Oh there are so many ways to praise Him. I also think that having an attitude of gratitude is a way to praise Him. Our desire to serve Him because of who He is shows that we think he is worthy of praise. Worthy of our life service.
This life makes it hard to praise Him sometimes. Maybe your jobs aren't going well, your kids seem ungrateful, the economy is scary, the time of year is hectic, your health is bad, you may hear the word "cancer" at you next doctor visit, You feel unappreciated, the family doesn't get together or get along anymore. Yes, there are lots of obstacles that try their best to keep us from praising but we have to keep going back to the basics. We don't have to go to hell. We do not have to slaves to sin anymore. We have been redeemed! We have a home in heaven with the King of kings and Lord of lords!! Now that is worthy of praise! I feel like one of the most rewarding results of praise is that it gives us a rewarding feeling knowing that satan hasn't won the battle in that area and that our father DOES feel appreciated. I don't ever want Jesus to feel like I am not happy with all that he has blessed me with, however, sadly I'm sure He has. But I want to start each day with a joyful, appreciative attitude. I want to say "Good Morning Jesus. Thank you for saving an old sinner like me and no matter what today holds I'll praise you and I'll rest in knowing you hold today!"
Praise, a word mentioned 248 times in scripture. A pretty important concept that God wants us to learn. What do you think of when you hear the word praise? Do you think of uplifted hands, shouting, crying, praying, being down on bended knee? There are certainly varied ways to praise Him. All of those things I just mentioned can be forms of praise but so can the simple things in life such as seeing a beautiful sunset and recognizing the fact that your God created that. Giving of your time to help someone in need and being joyful in the midst of that. Loving someone when it is hard to do so because you know God loved you while you were still a sinner (Romans 5:8). Oh there are so many ways to praise Him. I also think that having an attitude of gratitude is a way to praise Him. Our desire to serve Him because of who He is shows that we think he is worthy of praise. Worthy of our life service.
This life makes it hard to praise Him sometimes. Maybe your jobs aren't going well, your kids seem ungrateful, the economy is scary, the time of year is hectic, your health is bad, you may hear the word "cancer" at you next doctor visit, You feel unappreciated, the family doesn't get together or get along anymore. Yes, there are lots of obstacles that try their best to keep us from praising but we have to keep going back to the basics. We don't have to go to hell. We do not have to slaves to sin anymore. We have been redeemed! We have a home in heaven with the King of kings and Lord of lords!! Now that is worthy of praise! I feel like one of the most rewarding results of praise is that it gives us a rewarding feeling knowing that satan hasn't won the battle in that area and that our father DOES feel appreciated. I don't ever want Jesus to feel like I am not happy with all that he has blessed me with, however, sadly I'm sure He has. But I want to start each day with a joyful, appreciative attitude. I want to say "Good Morning Jesus. Thank you for saving an old sinner like me and no matter what today holds I'll praise you and I'll rest in knowing you hold today!"
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Food for thought......
We are in revival this week and last night the preacher's message was on discouragement. He preached out of 1 Kings 19 where Elijah runs from Jezebel into the wilderness and sits down under a juniper tree where he asked God to let him die. Now that is someone who is definitely discouraged!! We've all heard this story multiple times and probably each one had a different take on why Elijah ran. I'm sure all of us ladies have heard the joke made about how brave he was with 450 prophets of Baal and yet ran from one woman. There are many lessons for us to learn. The preacher last night talked about his fear and his fatigue. But I also saw something new in the story that really made me have a compassion for Elijah.
Think about this with me. Elijah has just been in this huge display of God's power when he had the contest on Mt. Carmel with the prophets of Baal. And God had moved in such a miraculous, powerful way that not only was the offering drenched in water consumed but the prophets of Baal were killed, 450 of them. That is about the # of the entire high school in GA where the girls attended. Just let that soak in. God had most certainly proved himself to be the true God of Israel! And yet, we read of no great revival. The leadership of the nation Ahab and his wife Jezebel were not moved at all. She was STILL trusting in her gods. Can you imagine how discouraging that would be?
Our pastors study, pray and prepare every week to stand in hopes that someone in the congregation will be helped, touched, or a lost soul saved; yet we all know there are many services where it seems no one moves and no difference is made. How great is the need for us to lift the man of God up in prayer so that he does not fall prey to discouragement.
Elijah was human just like us and I'm sure he had hopes of a great revival and that his obedience would be blessed. Instead, he only saw a hardening of hearts and threats on his life. Ladies, I'd have been under that Juniper tree with him I'm sure. Would you?
I don't want to ever judge Elijah for his time spent under the juniper tree....God sure didn't...he sent an angel to feed him and gave him rest. He knows our humanity. Let's be angels here on earth to those who minister in our local churches and pray, pray, pray for them.
Think about this with me. Elijah has just been in this huge display of God's power when he had the contest on Mt. Carmel with the prophets of Baal. And God had moved in such a miraculous, powerful way that not only was the offering drenched in water consumed but the prophets of Baal were killed, 450 of them. That is about the # of the entire high school in GA where the girls attended. Just let that soak in. God had most certainly proved himself to be the true God of Israel! And yet, we read of no great revival. The leadership of the nation Ahab and his wife Jezebel were not moved at all. She was STILL trusting in her gods. Can you imagine how discouraging that would be?
Our pastors study, pray and prepare every week to stand in hopes that someone in the congregation will be helped, touched, or a lost soul saved; yet we all know there are many services where it seems no one moves and no difference is made. How great is the need for us to lift the man of God up in prayer so that he does not fall prey to discouragement.
Elijah was human just like us and I'm sure he had hopes of a great revival and that his obedience would be blessed. Instead, he only saw a hardening of hearts and threats on his life. Ladies, I'd have been under that Juniper tree with him I'm sure. Would you?
I don't want to ever judge Elijah for his time spent under the juniper tree....God sure didn't...he sent an angel to feed him and gave him rest. He knows our humanity. Let's be angels here on earth to those who minister in our local churches and pray, pray, pray for them.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Our family is steeped in traditions. Doug and I have many of our own since we started building a home together 21 years ago and his sister Karen and her family have many that we have adopted. One of the most unusual but fun ones is the "hatchet throwing" contest on Thanksgiving. lol! There is a big tree in their backyard and we all see who can throw the hatchet and get it to "stick" in the tree...it is really comical. Doug and I have the tradition of the family Christmas picture (cookie included) and new pajamas for our girls on Christmas, etc. Well, last year Hope and Ben carved their first pumpkin together and decided that was an activity they wanted to make a tradition in their lives. They don't carve the typical pumpkin however....last years had a small cut out cross with the letters underneath "WWJD" and it was beautiful. This years was another cross but very different and I have pictures of the event to share.
Ben made Hope pull out some of the "icky" stuff....that explains the face..lol. They do a great job and it is definitely "making a memory" as Miss Nola would say. (my former pastor's wife)

Ben made Hope pull out some of the "icky" stuff....that explains the face..lol. They do a great job and it is definitely "making a memory" as Miss Nola would say. (my former pastor's wife)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Just Fall
I give up I surrender
I throw in the towel
Exposing my weakness to infinite power
With all of my weight I lean heavy on you
With bags on my back and in both my hands too
I fall
I fall on you
I fall
I fall on you
See my world keeps a spinning out of control
And I'm dizzy from trying to stand on my own
But you promised you'd catch me if I tumble down
Cause' the way to the sky starts low to the ground
I fall
I fall on you
I fall
I fall on you
So please don't move
please don't move
from here
from here
I need you, every hour
I'm falling
You said you'd catch me
So I'll fall
These are lyrics from Nicole C. Mullen's song "Fall" and it was so beautifully demonstrated visually for me tonight. Ben and Hope were standing in the living room and she was giving him a goodbye hug and after embracing she just flung her head back, arms let go and legs turned to noodles and she was limp.....ALL of her weight fell on him and his arms were the only thing holding her up. The only thing keeping her from hitting the hardwood. And teasingly he said "What if I couldn't hold you" and her response was "I KNOW you can....and you will".........Wow....that should be us ladies!! When we are weary from the battle, wounded, dirty, depressed and frustrated.....just fall into the arms of the Savior. He is able to catch you, and He will!! Hope didn't have one hesitation, not one worry, she TRUSTED Ben and his ability to hold her. Oh dear sisters, God is holding us!!
John 10:23 says "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand."
Psalm 91:12 says "They shall bear thee up in [their] hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Hebrews 13:5 "[Let your] conversation [be] without covetousness; [and be] content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Psa 3:3 But thou, O LORD, [art] a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
Psa 73:2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. (almost being the key word....read the rest of the chapter)
1Pe 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Mat 11:30 For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light
I could go on and on! Another thing I noticed about Hope and Ben was that Hope didn't trust Ben on their first date over a year ago like she does now. It has been the day by day building of their relationship and the growth of the "faith" she has in him that has allowed her privilege of trusting him to catch her. It is the knowledge that he loves her and has her best interest at heart and does not want to see her fall....if she can't stand on her on then he counts it a joy to hold her up. Don't you know God counts it a joy to help his children. I want to put the "I can do it" and the "grit my teeth and dig into it" determination to the side and just fall into the arms of my Savior who is more than able to catch me. Hope had her eyes closed, a huge smile on her face because not only did she trust Ben to catch her and hold her up.....she enjoyed it. Lord, I want to enjoy resting in your arms!
I throw in the towel
Exposing my weakness to infinite power
With all of my weight I lean heavy on you
With bags on my back and in both my hands too
I fall
I fall on you
I fall
I fall on you
See my world keeps a spinning out of control
And I'm dizzy from trying to stand on my own
But you promised you'd catch me if I tumble down
Cause' the way to the sky starts low to the ground
I fall
I fall on you
I fall
I fall on you
So please don't move
please don't move
from here
from here
I need you, every hour
I'm falling
You said you'd catch me
So I'll fall
These are lyrics from Nicole C. Mullen's song "Fall" and it was so beautifully demonstrated visually for me tonight. Ben and Hope were standing in the living room and she was giving him a goodbye hug and after embracing she just flung her head back, arms let go and legs turned to noodles and she was limp.....ALL of her weight fell on him and his arms were the only thing holding her up. The only thing keeping her from hitting the hardwood. And teasingly he said "What if I couldn't hold you" and her response was "I KNOW you can....and you will".........Wow....that should be us ladies!! When we are weary from the battle, wounded, dirty, depressed and frustrated.....just fall into the arms of the Savior. He is able to catch you, and He will!! Hope didn't have one hesitation, not one worry, she TRUSTED Ben and his ability to hold her. Oh dear sisters, God is holding us!!
John 10:23 says "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand."
Psalm 91:12 says "They shall bear thee up in [their] hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Hebrews 13:5 "[Let your] conversation [be] without covetousness; [and be] content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Psa 3:3 But thou, O LORD, [art] a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head.
Psa 73:2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. (almost being the key word....read the rest of the chapter)
1Pe 5:7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Mat 11:30 For my yoke [is] easy, and my burden is light
I could go on and on! Another thing I noticed about Hope and Ben was that Hope didn't trust Ben on their first date over a year ago like she does now. It has been the day by day building of their relationship and the growth of the "faith" she has in him that has allowed her privilege of trusting him to catch her. It is the knowledge that he loves her and has her best interest at heart and does not want to see her fall....if she can't stand on her on then he counts it a joy to hold her up. Don't you know God counts it a joy to help his children. I want to put the "I can do it" and the "grit my teeth and dig into it" determination to the side and just fall into the arms of my Savior who is more than able to catch me. Hope had her eyes closed, a huge smile on her face because not only did she trust Ben to catch her and hold her up.....she enjoyed it. Lord, I want to enjoy resting in your arms!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Ladies Conference
Tomorrow is the annual Ladies Conference at Gospel Baptist Church and it will be a fun-filled, encouraging, challenging, and blessed time with other sisters in Christ. We are having some wonderful speakers. The girls and I will be singing right before lunch so pray for us! "Only Grace" by Matthew West is the song. Pray that we will minister to others through music. What a joy to have my girls on each side to praise the Savior with me in song! Thank you Jesus for that privilege. Renea and I are doing a skit in the morning...and we haven't had a chance to practice together...so I hope it goes o.k.....lol....The things I agree to! lol!
I'm looking expectantly for food from above and nourishment for our souls!
I'm looking expectantly for food from above and nourishment for our souls!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
He wants us to forget..........
Satan is a deceiver. The Word of God tells us he is a liar and the father of it. That was true then, and is still true today. I can't help but wonder how we forget that. I was faced with a situation today that could have really gotten my "flesh" in a tizzy so to speak but the sweet Holy Spirit reminded me that is exactly what satan wanted. He wanted me to forget he is a liar and deceiver. Well, I refuse to fall to that trick today. I refuse to forget that my Savior wants my life to bear certain kinds of fruit. That fruit is listed in Galations 5:22-26,
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith Meekness, temperance against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another."
I want to bear those fruits. I refuse to disect another sister or brother in Christ. I refuse to listen to gossip. I refuse to be critical. The deceiver needs to know that my Savior knows all. He will protect me, and take care of me. All I need to do is look to Him, follow Him and cultivate the fruits of the Spirit. I don't want to just talk about the Spirit....I want to LIVE in the Spirit! Lord, please prune me where I need it, let the rains come to nourish me, let the sun come to bring growth and fertilize me with your Word....I want to produce MUCH fruit! Let me never forget that satan is a master deceiver and he is more than willing to steal my joy! But I know my Jesus is the center of my joy.....Lord, help me remember that no matter the situation! No matter what anyone else says or does, let me magnify you and let you take care of everyone else.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith Meekness, temperance against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another."
I want to bear those fruits. I refuse to disect another sister or brother in Christ. I refuse to listen to gossip. I refuse to be critical. The deceiver needs to know that my Savior knows all. He will protect me, and take care of me. All I need to do is look to Him, follow Him and cultivate the fruits of the Spirit. I don't want to just talk about the Spirit....I want to LIVE in the Spirit! Lord, please prune me where I need it, let the rains come to nourish me, let the sun come to bring growth and fertilize me with your Word....I want to produce MUCH fruit! Let me never forget that satan is a master deceiver and he is more than willing to steal my joy! But I know my Jesus is the center of my joy.....Lord, help me remember that no matter the situation! No matter what anyone else says or does, let me magnify you and let you take care of everyone else.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Bible Study
Hey ladies! Last night was the 2nd month in our Bible study this year entitled "Seeking Him" and I promised I would post a few highlights for those who were unable to come.
Each lesson has a section called "Going deeper into the Word" and this past month's passages were wonderful. One passage sent you to II Kings to read about Josiah. That is what the Lord led me to teach on. I actually used the passage in II Kings 22 and the passage in II Chronicles 34.
I first asked the ladies to think back to when they were 8 years old. Did they remember their 3rd grade teacher. Most of the women did remember. Then I asked them to try to remember specific details about events that happened when they were 8. For me it was my 3rd grade teacher who looked just like the Bionic Woman, taking me and my friends to the circus and paying for us to ride the elephants. It was a wonderful memory. I also remembered the Eskimo Spitz dog I had named "Skippy" who was the best playmate ever! But one thing I can't tell you is the responsibilities I had at 8. That's because there were none!! I mean, yes I had to go to school and obey my parents but responsibilities were not a worry of mine. Josiah was 8 years old when he was made king of Israel. The people in the Bible were just like us. They were real people. Josiah was a real little 8 year old boy with missing teeth and real fears and real tears like every 8 year old. Something to think about.
Here's the Division's I had for the lesson.
II Chronicles 34
Division I.
Josiah's steps to Standing, Seeking, and Serving
V2 - He stood for what was right - Even as a child he stood for what was right. He knew the Lord.
The Revival in Israel was youth Led.
When was the last time you stood against the crowd for what you believed in?
Do you use your age or qualifications as excuses to why you can't stand up for the Lord?
Verse 3 - He begins to Seek
How many years was it between the time you were saved and when you really started seeking the Lord?
Josiah's life demonstrates the process of growth after salvation.
Verses 3-7 - He begins to Serve
He brake down, cut down and ground up the idols in Israel
What is it in your life that needs to be cut down?
Are there remnants of distractions in your life that need to be ground up into dust?
What must God brake down in your life before you'll return to Him?
Division II.
Josiah Commands, Cleans Up, Confesses and Consecrates
Verse 8 - The Command & Clean up
Why did Josiah not repair and clean up the temple first? He knew that until the idols in the people's lives were cut down and removed there could be no worship. The same is true with us. You can go to church every service in a beautiful building but until you have cut down and removed the things that you are putting before the Lord there will be no worship.
Verse 19 - The confession/repentance
The Word still has power to convict today
When has the Word brought you to a place of confession of who you are when compared to a Holy God?
Consecration II Kings 23:2
The Revival was Word fed.
What importance do you place on the reading of God's Word?
That's just a quick outline of the lecture last night. I hope it encourages you as you read the passage.
The discussion was a blessing and the ladies insight was wonderful as always. If you weren't able to come ....we missed you and pray you'll be able to come next month. Remember it is the last class until January because we take December off due to all the Christmas activities. We are doing lesson 2 and 3 for this next month so work hard and dig in and see what God has for you!
God Bless you ladies!!
Each lesson has a section called "Going deeper into the Word" and this past month's passages were wonderful. One passage sent you to II Kings to read about Josiah. That is what the Lord led me to teach on. I actually used the passage in II Kings 22 and the passage in II Chronicles 34.
I first asked the ladies to think back to when they were 8 years old. Did they remember their 3rd grade teacher. Most of the women did remember. Then I asked them to try to remember specific details about events that happened when they were 8. For me it was my 3rd grade teacher who looked just like the Bionic Woman, taking me and my friends to the circus and paying for us to ride the elephants. It was a wonderful memory. I also remembered the Eskimo Spitz dog I had named "Skippy" who was the best playmate ever! But one thing I can't tell you is the responsibilities I had at 8. That's because there were none!! I mean, yes I had to go to school and obey my parents but responsibilities were not a worry of mine. Josiah was 8 years old when he was made king of Israel. The people in the Bible were just like us. They were real people. Josiah was a real little 8 year old boy with missing teeth and real fears and real tears like every 8 year old. Something to think about.
Here's the Division's I had for the lesson.
II Chronicles 34
Division I.
Josiah's steps to Standing, Seeking, and Serving
V2 - He stood for what was right - Even as a child he stood for what was right. He knew the Lord.
The Revival in Israel was youth Led.
When was the last time you stood against the crowd for what you believed in?
Do you use your age or qualifications as excuses to why you can't stand up for the Lord?
Verse 3 - He begins to Seek
How many years was it between the time you were saved and when you really started seeking the Lord?
Josiah's life demonstrates the process of growth after salvation.
Verses 3-7 - He begins to Serve
He brake down, cut down and ground up the idols in Israel
What is it in your life that needs to be cut down?
Are there remnants of distractions in your life that need to be ground up into dust?
What must God brake down in your life before you'll return to Him?
Division II.
Josiah Commands, Cleans Up, Confesses and Consecrates
Verse 8 - The Command & Clean up
Why did Josiah not repair and clean up the temple first? He knew that until the idols in the people's lives were cut down and removed there could be no worship. The same is true with us. You can go to church every service in a beautiful building but until you have cut down and removed the things that you are putting before the Lord there will be no worship.
Verse 19 - The confession/repentance
The Word still has power to convict today
When has the Word brought you to a place of confession of who you are when compared to a Holy God?
Consecration II Kings 23:2
The Revival was Word fed.
What importance do you place on the reading of God's Word?
That's just a quick outline of the lecture last night. I hope it encourages you as you read the passage.
The discussion was a blessing and the ladies insight was wonderful as always. If you weren't able to come ....we missed you and pray you'll be able to come next month. Remember it is the last class until January because we take December off due to all the Christmas activities. We are doing lesson 2 and 3 for this next month so work hard and dig in and see what God has for you!
God Bless you ladies!!
Monday, October 6, 2008
Ride for Awareness 2008
After many months of preparation the Ride for Awareness 2008 has come and gone. It was held this past Saturday in Greensboro. The weather was absolutely beautiful and their were 22 riders and a grand total, so far of $2580.00 to be given to the National Breast Cancer Research foundation! Hope had planned everything out really well and I think everyone really enjoyed themselves. Mark Butler finished first in just over an hour. Lori French spoke before the ride about her experience with the disease and it touched all our hearts. She did a fantastic job! I will post a few of the pictures below for you to enjoy. Another shout of THANKS!!!! for ALL the many volunteers!! Friends, Family, Church Family...you all are AWESOME!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Ride for Awareness!!
I am so proud of Miss Hope! She is gearing up for the big ride on Saturday to benefit research for breast cancer and she finished this sign up tonight. She had painted the sign....no tracing! She has posters also. The registration for the ride begins at 1:30p.m. this Sat. 10-4-08 and the ride begins at 3:00p.m. She has a breast cancer survivor speaking, her dad giving safety tips, me praying for the safety of the riders before they leave and she is doing the welcome! She is serving pizza and "Pink" lemonade at the end of the ride. She will have a display table with brochures, bracelets, pins, etc. (donated by Regina Miller...GO REGINA!!) and much more. I know I'm her momma and I'm proud no matter what but she really has done a fantastic job putting this together for her senior project. I'll go ahead and say thank you to all those who are going to volunteer to help on Saturday!! And I want to praise the Lord for the beautiful weather!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
How much more would He do????
Thursday nights have become "FOOTBALL" nights for us. Hannah is cheering on the JV squad at the high school and their games are on Thursday nights. We have always went to every event the girls had that we could possibly arrange to get to, even their practices, just so they'd know we were supporting them. This is no different. But tonight here in Reidsville, NC it was less than comfortable weather conditions. The temperature dropped and the wind and rain set in. Not a down pore but a light rain that was blowing at an angle so as at least part of you was going to get wet! lol! I wore the following. Long Johns, pants, hooded sweatshirt, down vest, thick fuzzy socks, gloves, and a scarf. And I was STILL cold and STILL wet! My umbrella was HUGE but not big enough to keep that blowing rain off all of me. But did I enjoy watching Hannah? Why sure I did!! My baby was down there on that field and I was going to watch her with joy and admiration!! I couldn't help but chuckle at all us parents looking wet and miserable but doing it for the love of our children. Then I couldn't help but think that our Father, our Heavenly Father has braved much harder conditions than that for us. He conquered death, hell and the grave for us! And now, there isn't a place we go that he isn't right there with us. He's in the hospital room, the cancer centers, the funeral homes, the lonely nights you might have, the place of depression, in the financial struggles, the abandonment you've experienced, and he's there because he loves us. Just like we were there for Hannah because we love her. He comes along side to let us know we CAN make it with His help. Oh what a Savior!!! So when you feel like no ones cares and no one is there to support you...just run and call Abba Father.....Your dad is watching!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
It doesn't seem possible, but it time for the Christmas music program to begin its practices. All the choir members met today to begin the great task ahead of us, learning material we've never heard, notes we don't know if we can reach and committing to hours of practice and sacrificing the "Sunday afternoon nap" which is definitely in the church by-laws of the Baptist church....lol...just kidding.
We have an amazing young man named Eddie as our choir director and he really does know his stuff when it comes to music. I am impressed by his ability but even more impressed by his evident love for our Lord and the relationship that they have. He began the daunting task of teaching each of us our parts; tenors, sopranos, altos and bass, phrase by phrase and measure by measure. Then he would put us all together. I have to admit the sound was much better than I expected for a first practice. As each section sang their part I couldn't help but think how beautiful it was by itself but when you put it all together and could hear the harmony of it all....it was AWESOME! One thing that Eddie said was that we MUST learn to hear the other members, we must learn to listen to the others in our group and they would help us to know if we weren't on key, etc., and we should listen to the ones outside our group to hear the harmony. You see a choir is about a bunch of voices coming together to be one grand sound. He had us all stand and form a circle so that we were in very close proximity of each other and we sang the few measures we learned today. He then asked how it sounded and everyone said "Better! We could hear each other." I immediately thought, it is when we take the time to get close to each other and quit keeping every one at arms length that we "hear each other".
Wow....spiritually, we need to be working together toward one grand work....reaching the lost, ministering to the hurting, and loving each other. How do we do that??? It begins when we realize there is someone other than just us in the choir (so to speak). It is when we being to listen to the people who aren't in our close circle. For example I don't often mix with mothers of pre-schoolers because my girls are in their teens and our lives are at very different places but I shouldn't be so tuned into my life that I can't hear when they aren't in harmony. Maybe they are hurting, need someone who's "been there and done that" to come alongside and just let them know they are going to make it. Do you see what I'm trying to say?
I want our choir to sing in perfect harmony and make a beautiful, joyful noise unto the Lord in worship to Him. So I'm willing to sacrifice those naps on Sunday afternoons and I'm willing to "listen" to the other sections of the choir and make sure I'm blending with them and I'm definitely depending on the other ladies in my group of sopranos to help keep me on key. Let's all be willing to do the same in life. Let's blend to make our service to Christ BEAUTIFUL!
We have an amazing young man named Eddie as our choir director and he really does know his stuff when it comes to music. I am impressed by his ability but even more impressed by his evident love for our Lord and the relationship that they have. He began the daunting task of teaching each of us our parts; tenors, sopranos, altos and bass, phrase by phrase and measure by measure. Then he would put us all together. I have to admit the sound was much better than I expected for a first practice. As each section sang their part I couldn't help but think how beautiful it was by itself but when you put it all together and could hear the harmony of it all....it was AWESOME! One thing that Eddie said was that we MUST learn to hear the other members, we must learn to listen to the others in our group and they would help us to know if we weren't on key, etc., and we should listen to the ones outside our group to hear the harmony. You see a choir is about a bunch of voices coming together to be one grand sound. He had us all stand and form a circle so that we were in very close proximity of each other and we sang the few measures we learned today. He then asked how it sounded and everyone said "Better! We could hear each other." I immediately thought, it is when we take the time to get close to each other and quit keeping every one at arms length that we "hear each other".
Wow....spiritually, we need to be working together toward one grand work....reaching the lost, ministering to the hurting, and loving each other. How do we do that??? It begins when we realize there is someone other than just us in the choir (so to speak). It is when we being to listen to the people who aren't in our close circle. For example I don't often mix with mothers of pre-schoolers because my girls are in their teens and our lives are at very different places but I shouldn't be so tuned into my life that I can't hear when they aren't in harmony. Maybe they are hurting, need someone who's "been there and done that" to come alongside and just let them know they are going to make it. Do you see what I'm trying to say?
I want our choir to sing in perfect harmony and make a beautiful, joyful noise unto the Lord in worship to Him. So I'm willing to sacrifice those naps on Sunday afternoons and I'm willing to "listen" to the other sections of the choir and make sure I'm blending with them and I'm definitely depending on the other ladies in my group of sopranos to help keep me on key. Let's all be willing to do the same in life. Let's blend to make our service to Christ BEAUTIFUL!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
You know, lately I have had some things in my life that I just can't "fix". Things that only the Lord can do and they have "forced" me to pray about them, place them into the hands of the one who can fix "all" things and trust. It is a hard thing for us fixer people. We have the genetic make-up to want to fix everything. We want to fix those people who don't like us, fix our children's heartaches, fix our friends problems, you name it...we want to fix it. We want to see others be happy. Well, while that sounds good, sometimes God has to allow people to be unhappy so he can get their attention. How do I know? I've been there. Honestly, do you spend more time on your knees when you are happy and everything is bliss or when you are in a storm? Yeah....uh...me too. I found these statements about prayer and they are really helping me. I thought they would help ya'll too.
Fifteen Reasons to Pray
To seek the face of the Lord and know Him better - Psalm 27:8
To get your eyes off your problems and onto the Lord - Psalm 121:1
To speak to God - 1 Peter 3:12
To unburden your heart - Psalm 142:1-2
To make your request known to God - Matthew 21:22
To hear God - Proverbs 8:34
To be free of suffering - James 5:13
To resist temptation - Matthew 26:41
To be rescued from distress - Psalm 107:19
To receive God's reward - Matthew 6:6
To withstand evil - Ephesians 6:13
To have joy - John 16:24
To get close to God - Isaiah 64:7
To be healed emotionally - James 5:13
To have peace - Phillipians 4:6,7
Wow....makes me feel the need to go pray right now....I think I will :)
Fifteen Reasons to Pray
To seek the face of the Lord and know Him better - Psalm 27:8
To get your eyes off your problems and onto the Lord - Psalm 121:1
To speak to God - 1 Peter 3:12
To unburden your heart - Psalm 142:1-2
To make your request known to God - Matthew 21:22
To hear God - Proverbs 8:34
To be free of suffering - James 5:13
To resist temptation - Matthew 26:41
To be rescued from distress - Psalm 107:19
To receive God's reward - Matthew 6:6
To withstand evil - Ephesians 6:13
To have joy - John 16:24
To get close to God - Isaiah 64:7
To be healed emotionally - James 5:13
To have peace - Phillipians 4:6,7
Wow....makes me feel the need to go pray right now....I think I will :)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Pep Rally
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