Monday, July 30, 2007

Girls Weekend!!!!

My friends Julie Layman and Shauna Tabor came to see me this past Thursday and stayed thru Sunday. We had a blast! We shopped, ate (a lot), went to the movies, shopped some more, exercised (although they protested....j/k) and even got to worship together on Sunday morning at church. What a blessing it is to have them in my life. They are 2 of the most amazing women I've ever met. They are compassionate, sincere, funny, and full of life! We made memories we'll cherish for a lifetime. The following pics were a few they took while here.
This was at the White & Black store

Up close....Shauna took it! Those sconces behind me look like hugh earrings!!! lol!!'re so goofy...didn't buy them, just had the clerk take our picture in them! lol!
Sunday after the a.m. service..Julie and Shauna looked so pretty!
They snapped this the night they got here.
Look at all those mashed potatoes!!!! lol! This was at the Cheesecake Factory
Me and Shauna
Check us out!! lol! We had so much fun shopping...this was at the White & Black store...very fancy!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Hope & Ben's 1 month anniversary.....

He's not here but he sent some beautiful flowers for his beautiful girl!
Aren't they pretty?
What a SWEET guy!
This pic is for Ben.....Hope bought and is wearing this shirt in his honor...thinking of him...(He plays the guitar and loves music....These are his 3 favorite things Guitar, Music & Hope. :)

Sunday, July 15, 2007

She's a little skinny scrappy thing! lol!

She knows he's stronger but she's like a little nipping Chihuahua that won't stop! lol!
Still not winning!

And this is how easy it is for him to throw her over his shoulder! lol! I'm sure this won't be the end of it though!


Hope attended the Airforce Leadership Training School at Catawba University. It was a very challenging week which included starting each day at 4:00a.m. for a mile run, sit-ups and push-ups! Then they had breakfast more training, physical and academic and then lunch...more training, etc. She did 131 sit ups in 5 minutes and ran the mile in 6mins 42 sec. She was very aggressive and completed each obstacle course, did free fall repelling and competed on drills. We worried all week about her but after seeing her all worries were put to rest especially when she said "I want to go back next year!" We are so proud of her determination and driven spirit to be her best!

Catawba Airforce Leadership Training School

Hope was in Alpha Flight
Their she is!

New Pics of Hannah!

I bought a highlighting kit and did Hannah's hair. She loves it! Hannah & Cookie!

Hannah and her Daddy! (They are soooooooooo close!)

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Time for Camp!

Both our girls left for camp this morning. Hope left for Catawba University for Leadership Training Camp with the JROTC and Hannah left for Victory Mountain Wesleyn Camp in Archdale. I wish I had pics of Hope as she was leaving but she left at 4:30a.m. and we weren't quite functioning well at that time of morning! LOL! BUT....Hannah didn't leave until 1:15p.m. so here are some shots of us with her and one of the 4 girls that rode together to camp. I hope you enjoy them!

We're goofy.....but having fun!


Left to right: Hannah, Lauren, Mallory & Bess