It is hard to believe that we are in the final week of 2010!! Where did the year go? It seems that the older I get the faster time flies even though I know that is an impossibility. I have been thinking back about the year and all the ups and downs and I just feel a sense of awe at how God has worked in the lives of the Weaks' family over the past 12 months.
The first part of the year held a trial that I'd never experienced before. One that put my daughter in danger and one that really tested my faith. A relationship gone in a direction I never dreamed it would and a feeling of betrayal unlike any I've ever experienced. I found myself having no comfort outside of Psalm 55. I want to share it with you.
Psalm 55 v1-2Listen to my prayer, O God. Do not ignore my cry for help. Please listen and answer me for I am overwhelmed by my troubles.
v5-7 Fear and trembling overwhelm me, and I can't stop shaking. Oh, that I had wings like a dove; then I would fly away and rest! I would fly far away to the quiet of the wilderness.
v9 Confuse them Lord, and frustrate their plans.
v12-14 It is not an enemy who taunts me, I could bear that. It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me, I could have hidden from them. Instead it is you- my equal, my companion, my close friend. What good fellowship we once enjoyed as we walked together to the house of God.
v16 But I will call on God, and the Lord will rescue me.
v20 As for my companion, he betrayed his friends; he broke his promises.
v21 His words are as smooth as butter, but in his heart is war. His words are as soothing as lotion but underneath are daggers!
v22 Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
dear friends...those are verses you can bank on. Call on God...he'll rescue you. Give your burdens to him....He will take care of you. When you feel fear because of the enemy...tell Him. The Savior loves you, and is watching those who hurt his children. My heart was so heavy and so filled with fear at times for my daughter that I would physically be sick to my stomach. I have spent many nights in tears over the whole heart in anguish. But throughout the whole 6 to 7 months of this trial I never once doubted God. I never once was mad at him and for that I am thankful. I know he is my Father and that he is the King of kings and he loves this little princess. :) And I KNOW that ALL things work together for good to those who love God ..who are called according to his purpose. ...His TRUTH! I also saw a prayer I had prayed for almost a year concerning this situation be answered just a few weeks ago...I still want to shout when I think about it. God showed me in his timing that he did hear my prayer...he always hears....don't ever give up!
Doug, Hannah and I had the privilege of going on a cruise this year to the Bahamas with our dear friends Wade, Danita, Kaylea and Riley Breeden from GA. What a blessing to be with them. Danita has always been like a balm for my soul and I really needed that time with her. It was precious! The beauty of God's creation we beheld was amazing!
Doug and I celebrated another anniversary making this our 23rd year of marraige. I love him more every day and we seem to make a better team with each passing day. He treats me like a queen and I certainly hope he knows he is the king of our home.
I have beheld our church grow and had the honor of participating in our bread delivery for new visitors. What a neat idea that is. When people visit our church and fill out a visitor's card they will receive some home baked goodies at their doorstep the following week just to let them know their visit was important to us at Gospel Baptist and we'd love for them to come again. I've met some dear people through that ministry. I've also become an active member of the shut-in ministry....OH MY!! What treasures these dear saints of God are! I love to visit them. Without fail they always have a word of praise on their lips for the am learning so much from them!
I am super excited to include my very first overseas mission trip in this annual wrap-up. Thanksgiving week 19 of us embarked on a missions trip in Montego Bay, Jamaica in a small community called Cantebury. I know that lives were changed that week but I sometimes wonder if it were not mine that was changed the most. God convicted me of my ungrateful attitude for the simple things in life and for the luxuries that we as Americans have on a daily basis. The greatest gift of all is that we have Bible believing and teaching churches at our access. The people of Jamaica are terribly poor but they are absolutely destitute spirtually in many cases. They are so confused and have been led astray by satan. Thank you Lord, that I got to be a small part of telling them about the one who died for their sins and that can change their life her and for all eternity!
I came back home from the missions trip to be thrust into dress rehearsals of our Christmas!...that was something else!! I didn't have even half of my lines memorized when we got back but somehow God miracuously helped me and come Dec. 10th...I was ready! We had over 950 people see the Christmas play that weekend and close to 30 people saved!! It was AMAZING how God worked through each of us. Simple vessels of clay that he used to help hurting people. Praise your name are worthy.
The the very next weekend was the live nativity. I was a greeter for 2 of the 3 nights and I loved every (cold...very cold) second of it! We had hundreds of people drive thru that I had the honor of welcoming, extending some warm apple cider and cookies and candy canes to and just to make that human contact of Jesus loving them through me. What an honor that job is. For some Christmas is a very sad and lonely time. People are hurting all around us and my prayer was that if any of those people came through our nativity that night they felt joy and was reminded of the gift of Christmas....Jesus Christ!
This was also my last Christmas with Hope at home. She will be married in 2011 and will start her life with the one God created for her. So it was a time of tears for Doug and I...this year has held lots of "last times". The last time she'll wake up on Christmas morning as Hope year it will be Hope Minter. The last time she'll help me fix our Christmas year she'll be in a kitchen of her own fixing them for her friends and neighbors. Oh my...I've got to stop...I'm crying again. But any mother who's been through this can relate I I'll just say..pray for us. We love Ben and are so happy for them but it is a big change for us.
Well...those are the highlights...I couldn't possibly tell all the year has held. I am excited to see what 2011 going to hold. There will be blessings, and great joys, adventures and trials but the one thing that matters is that the same God who carried me through 2010...will be there for every second and his grace will be there at the very second I need it! I told someone that I loved last year that 2010 was like a clean slate...every new day you woke up you had the opportunity to be better than you were the year before. So with that in mind...I want to serve God more...better...with vigor and excitement and with great faithfulness in 2011. I want to love my family and serve them...make each of their days fun and full of kind..not critical...encouraging...not a party pooper. I want to be a godly friend to those around me. I want to be a person of thankfulness. To sum it all up....I just want to be what God wants me to about you?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Thanksgiving from my heart...
We returned home from Jamaica around midnight on Friday and as I walked in the door to our home my heart was flooded with thankfulness. Just the clean smell of it and the warmth I felt from the central heat was more than I deserved. As far back as I can remember Thanksgiving has been a time of huge meals and family gatherings. A time to reflect on the goodness of God throughout the year. But this year was so very different for me. We were on a short term mission trip to Jamaica and though the temperature was in the high 80's instead of highs in the 40's or 50's, and there was no turkey, dressing or sweet potato casserole, and though there was a precious component of my family missing (Doug), it was truly the most thankful I have ever been and I think the most I have ever joyed in my heart because of my salvation and the relationship I have with Jesus Christ.
Jamaicans are economically struggling beyond what us Americans can imagine. It takes 85 of their dollars to make 1 of ours. There are no jobs and most evident on many of their faces, there is no hope. The majority of them believe that their works will get them to heaven, just being a good person. Even though you take them to the Word of God and show them verses like Ephesians 2:8-9...they still are so indoctrinated with false truths that it doesn't sink in. They have little to no respect for women in their culture and the children are not treated with love and compassion and in a lot of cases are not even protected. It is a survival, every man for themselves mentality. It is a dark, dark place spiritually. But amongst the darkness are some rays of light like Baylife Baptist Church where Bro. Cletus Titus and his dear wife Tammy are preaching and teaching the gospel. There is a Bible college called Fairview Bible College where young men and women (over 20 of them) are studying God's word and planning to give their lives to service for their King. There is an orphanage high upon a mountain called Robin's Nest where little children are loved, clothed and fed, and taught the Word of God by American missionaries who have given their life to the Lord and are serving him in this very remote location filled with many difficulties and challenges. Seeing these lights shining so brightly in such a dark place brought me to a place of conviction about my complaints in this life and to a place of crying out to God in repentance and eventually to a place of such joy in Jesus that it truly was the BEST Thanksgiving I have ever had.
I want to list just a few things that I am thankful for.
I have been taught the Word since I was 5 years old. Not false doctrine...the true Word of GOD!!
I know the peace that Jesus Christ gives his children and the grace that is available at just the right moment for every child of God.
I am respected by my husband and treated like a treasure.
I have clean water to drink and not only do I have food to eat, I have the foods I WANT to eat.
I have a job that not only pays me a salary, it has benefits such as insurance, paid sick days and vacations days and other perks.
I have air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter.
I have a clothes dryer and money to pay for the electricity it takes to run it.
I can go out to shop by myself and not be afraid.
I lay down at night and do not fear for my safety.
My family is here with me every day and I have the honor of loving them, spending time with them and watching them grow into beautiful young ladies.
I can get in my car and drive on roads that are free from potholes that could break an axle, and rules for the road that are obeyed such as no passing zones and red lights and speed limits.
My home is free from roaches and the constant road noise of the traffic with their horns constantly beeping and people yelling.
I can walk up and down my street without being offered drugs and seeing prostitutes.
The list could go on, and on. We are a people who are so spoiled and have blessings so bountifully heaped on us and yet we complain over EVERYTHING! God forgive us....God forgive me. Next time you complain about thankful you have a washer and dryer. Next time you complain about thankful you have food to cook. Next time you complain about traffic....thank God for paved roads. Next time you complain period....thank God for salvation which is in itself more than any of us ever deserved and yet he gave the ultimate sacrifice, his son for us. His love is extravagant and so are his blessings. Praise to the Lord...for He is worthy!
Thankful?....Oh yes...a million times yes!!!
Jamaicans are economically struggling beyond what us Americans can imagine. It takes 85 of their dollars to make 1 of ours. There are no jobs and most evident on many of their faces, there is no hope. The majority of them believe that their works will get them to heaven, just being a good person. Even though you take them to the Word of God and show them verses like Ephesians 2:8-9...they still are so indoctrinated with false truths that it doesn't sink in. They have little to no respect for women in their culture and the children are not treated with love and compassion and in a lot of cases are not even protected. It is a survival, every man for themselves mentality. It is a dark, dark place spiritually. But amongst the darkness are some rays of light like Baylife Baptist Church where Bro. Cletus Titus and his dear wife Tammy are preaching and teaching the gospel. There is a Bible college called Fairview Bible College where young men and women (over 20 of them) are studying God's word and planning to give their lives to service for their King. There is an orphanage high upon a mountain called Robin's Nest where little children are loved, clothed and fed, and taught the Word of God by American missionaries who have given their life to the Lord and are serving him in this very remote location filled with many difficulties and challenges. Seeing these lights shining so brightly in such a dark place brought me to a place of conviction about my complaints in this life and to a place of crying out to God in repentance and eventually to a place of such joy in Jesus that it truly was the BEST Thanksgiving I have ever had.
I want to list just a few things that I am thankful for.
I have been taught the Word since I was 5 years old. Not false doctrine...the true Word of GOD!!
I know the peace that Jesus Christ gives his children and the grace that is available at just the right moment for every child of God.
I am respected by my husband and treated like a treasure.
I have clean water to drink and not only do I have food to eat, I have the foods I WANT to eat.
I have a job that not only pays me a salary, it has benefits such as insurance, paid sick days and vacations days and other perks.
I have air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter.
I have a clothes dryer and money to pay for the electricity it takes to run it.
I can go out to shop by myself and not be afraid.
I lay down at night and do not fear for my safety.
My family is here with me every day and I have the honor of loving them, spending time with them and watching them grow into beautiful young ladies.
I can get in my car and drive on roads that are free from potholes that could break an axle, and rules for the road that are obeyed such as no passing zones and red lights and speed limits.
My home is free from roaches and the constant road noise of the traffic with their horns constantly beeping and people yelling.
I can walk up and down my street without being offered drugs and seeing prostitutes.
The list could go on, and on. We are a people who are so spoiled and have blessings so bountifully heaped on us and yet we complain over EVERYTHING! God forgive us....God forgive me. Next time you complain about thankful you have a washer and dryer. Next time you complain about thankful you have food to cook. Next time you complain about traffic....thank God for paved roads. Next time you complain period....thank God for salvation which is in itself more than any of us ever deserved and yet he gave the ultimate sacrifice, his son for us. His love is extravagant and so are his blessings. Praise to the Lord...for He is worthy!
Thankful?....Oh yes...a million times yes!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Thinking out loud....
I can't hardly believe that November 2, 2010 is here....where did the year go???? It really does seem that time is passing by faster and faster the older I get. When I was a kid it seemed like Christmas came only once every 5 years, and now it seems it is every other Time is certainly does not wait on us to be ready.
Thanksgiving is only about 3 weeks away and I am more excited about it this year than I have ever been. Ben, Hope, Hannah and I are leaving the 20th of November for Cantebury, Jamaica to serve the people there the week of Thanksgiving. I am filled with excitement, joy, anxiety, and a little fear of the unkown. I am feeling a little apprehensive knowing that my soulmate won't be there with me. I depend on Doug and lean on him so much as we tackle each step of life and yet this trip he will stay here and it will be just the kids and I. I know that the Lord will take care of us and He will never leave us not even for a second and so I must trust in Him. Makes me kinda wonder how many areas of life I trust in humans first...before trusting the Lord 100%?...I don't know... maybe I am learning the 1st lesson he has for me before I ever board the plane. :)
I am praying that he will use us in a might way! I am praying for health, safety, boldness, and a sweet bond with the people of Cantebury. They don't have much to speak of as far as material things and what is even sadder is that many of them do not have Jesus. God, help me to show them how much you love them through my service. I am praying for sweet memories for my kids and I. This will be last time I will be able to do anything like this with Hope before she gets married. I am praying for God to spotlight the areas in all our lives that He wants to work on. While we are getting dirty on the outside through service I pray we get clean and washed white as snow on the inside!!
I have a feeling deep in my soul that this Thanksgiving will truly be a time of giving thanks and that we will be consumed with a greatful heart for what a mighty, wonderful, awesome, gracious, merciful and compassionate Savior we have!!
Thanksgiving is only about 3 weeks away and I am more excited about it this year than I have ever been. Ben, Hope, Hannah and I are leaving the 20th of November for Cantebury, Jamaica to serve the people there the week of Thanksgiving. I am filled with excitement, joy, anxiety, and a little fear of the unkown. I am feeling a little apprehensive knowing that my soulmate won't be there with me. I depend on Doug and lean on him so much as we tackle each step of life and yet this trip he will stay here and it will be just the kids and I. I know that the Lord will take care of us and He will never leave us not even for a second and so I must trust in Him. Makes me kinda wonder how many areas of life I trust in humans first...before trusting the Lord 100%?...I don't know... maybe I am learning the 1st lesson he has for me before I ever board the plane. :)
I am praying that he will use us in a might way! I am praying for health, safety, boldness, and a sweet bond with the people of Cantebury. They don't have much to speak of as far as material things and what is even sadder is that many of them do not have Jesus. God, help me to show them how much you love them through my service. I am praying for sweet memories for my kids and I. This will be last time I will be able to do anything like this with Hope before she gets married. I am praying for God to spotlight the areas in all our lives that He wants to work on. While we are getting dirty on the outside through service I pray we get clean and washed white as snow on the inside!!
I have a feeling deep in my soul that this Thanksgiving will truly be a time of giving thanks and that we will be consumed with a greatful heart for what a mighty, wonderful, awesome, gracious, merciful and compassionate Savior we have!!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Another Milestone...
Today started as any other normal Wednesday. The girls both got up and got themselves off to school, Doug got off to work and I began to make my check-list for the day since I had the day off from BB&T. It was a rainy fall day in October and everyone was going about their business like normal. The afternoon however was another milestone for me as a mother. You see, this afternoon Hope and I had her hair done and then met her photographer at the Penn House for her bridal portraits. I watched in awe as she slipped that long, lean, slender body with skin like porcelain into that beautiful wedding gown. I hooked and zipped it, fluffed the crinoline, and slipped the shoes on and buckled them for her. With hair pins of pearls and rhinestones in place, and long elegant earrings hanging from her lobes we began the photo shoot. As I stood back and took it all in I couldn't help but shake my head in astonishment that this was real. My Hope, my little girl who had freckles on her face, who loved for me to read to her and lay with her until she fell alseep, the little girl who has always spoke not much above a whisper, the little girl who has always soaked up everything taught to her like a sponge, that little girl isn't a little girl any longer. No the young woman who stood in front of me today was confident, kind, genuine, and had a glow about her. The Hope that stood in front of me today has committed her life to serving Christ. She trusted that same Christ to send her the one he had created for her and she is 100% sure that someone is Ben Minter. She is filled with joy and expectation at what their life serving Christ together will hold. She is truly an amazing young woman and I am honored to call her my daughter. The tears were hard to hold back but I did my best, and in the days ahead it most surely will be harder. The tears aren't because I disapprove or because I am sad, oh no, they are because I know when I look at her that I have been truly blessed that God entrusted this special young woman to Doug and I to raise and because of the sheer joy she has brought us. Hope, we love you sweetie....more than you will ever know.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
God knows...
Proverbs 10:1 "A wise child brings joy to a father, a foolish child brings grief to a mother."
As I read and mediatated on this verse the Holy Spirit showed me something I had not seen before. When children are good...the father has joy, but when they are foolish, the mother is the one with grief. Now that isn't to say that a mother isn't joyful when they are good or that a father doesn't hurt when they are bad...BUT...God knows a momma's heart. He knows that a mother worries and hurts deeper than a dad. A mother's love is just different. She is the one who sacrifices, stays up during the night, nurses the boo boos, prays over the friends they choose and the decisions they make. She is the PTO president, the homeroom mom, the one who makes treats for the whole team, the one who washes uniforms the night before the games, makes sure everyone has a lunch, etc., etc., etc.!! Mom's are in the thick of things all the time. And when a mom sees a child turning from the Lord, making a poor decision. It rips her heart out. Here's the part that really blessed my heart. As God inspired men to pen down his words over 2000 years ago, he made sure to have them pen these words "a foolish child brings grief to a mother." I don't think he did it to make sure that us moms know we should hurt, or it is our job to have heavy hearts; no, he did it to let us know he knows how we feel. The God of the universe, the creator, the one who gave you that special blessing called "a child"...he knows how you are hurting and he cares.WOW!! Thank you Lord that when we face the storms of life you know how we feel. There is one thing for a friend to sympathize with you, but it quite another when a friend empathizes with you. Jesus empathizes with you and I dear sister. And not only does he know how we feel, he has the power to change the situation. As we cry out to him to intervene, we can say with confidence, "Lord you KNOW how we feel". Praise be to a Savior who cares about every part of our life and our emotions!!
As I read and mediatated on this verse the Holy Spirit showed me something I had not seen before. When children are good...the father has joy, but when they are foolish, the mother is the one with grief. Now that isn't to say that a mother isn't joyful when they are good or that a father doesn't hurt when they are bad...BUT...God knows a momma's heart. He knows that a mother worries and hurts deeper than a dad. A mother's love is just different. She is the one who sacrifices, stays up during the night, nurses the boo boos, prays over the friends they choose and the decisions they make. She is the PTO president, the homeroom mom, the one who makes treats for the whole team, the one who washes uniforms the night before the games, makes sure everyone has a lunch, etc., etc., etc.!! Mom's are in the thick of things all the time. And when a mom sees a child turning from the Lord, making a poor decision. It rips her heart out. Here's the part that really blessed my heart. As God inspired men to pen down his words over 2000 years ago, he made sure to have them pen these words "a foolish child brings grief to a mother." I don't think he did it to make sure that us moms know we should hurt, or it is our job to have heavy hearts; no, he did it to let us know he knows how we feel. The God of the universe, the creator, the one who gave you that special blessing called "a child"...he knows how you are hurting and he cares.WOW!! Thank you Lord that when we face the storms of life you know how we feel. There is one thing for a friend to sympathize with you, but it quite another when a friend empathizes with you. Jesus empathizes with you and I dear sister. And not only does he know how we feel, he has the power to change the situation. As we cry out to him to intervene, we can say with confidence, "Lord you KNOW how we feel". Praise be to a Savior who cares about every part of our life and our emotions!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Good Stuff!!!
Our oldest daughter Hope is blogging again and has written some really great stuff relating to the truths she learned at our women's conference. You should check it out!
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Thinking out loud....
I am 41 years old and with each day that passes I realize that life in this world will always be a roller coaster, but living a life for Christ makes the ride fun! He is the safe zone for every believer. When life takes a huge dip...He is there. When friends disappoint you...He is there. When jobs end and money is gone....He is there. When loved ones are taken away and you feel you just cannot take another step....He is there. When stress is overwhelming and demands seem impossible...He is there. God is a constant in your life and so is the working of the Holy Spirit to make you more like Jesus. The roller coaster of life I cannot change...but I am tired of being on the spiritual rollar coaster of complacency! I don't want to waste another day. I don't want to say "tomorrow" I'm going to get serious about serving Christ. I want to make each day count. If I can help someone today...I want to do it today. If I can witness today.....I want to do just that! Each day is a gift...I want to rip the paper off and be thankful for it and enjoy it!!! I can't help but think of the kings of Israel in the Old Testament that served God so well and did such amazing things and yet turned away from Him at the end of their life. Please God, help me finish well. I want to leave a legacy to my girls and to Ben that I not only loved God in my life...but that I loved and served him ALL of my life. me turn loose of the flesh and it's yearning to please people and just focus on pleasing you. You Jehovah are the final authority and let my heart be pleasing to you! I want to have a heart of gratitude and a life empty of complaint. You've been far to good to me to complain. I am so grateful you know my name. With that in mind I'll end this "thinking out loud" with a few lyrics....
I have a maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in His hands
He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And hears me when I call
I have a maker
He formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in His hands
He knows my name
He knows my every thought
He sees each tear that falls
And hears me when I call
Monday, September 13, 2010
23 years ago this past June....
I wore this dress!!! I decided to send it to Goodwill because lets face it, neither one of my girls are going to wear this is out of style and not their taste at all. It's only purpose was collecting dust on the box it was heirloomed in on the top shelf in the garage. So I decided it was time for it to go.....BUT...before it went..I just had to try it on again...I couldn't believe it when it zipped right up! I was so excited. Wearing it certainly took me back to that special day when Doug and I became husband and wife. A lot of years have passed and their have been good times and bad but through it all our love for each other has remained and grown stronger. Thanks and all praise be to the Lord who is the one that kept us together.

Monday, August 30, 2010
Do you have wounds? What about scars?
Then read the words to this song carefully. Drink them in as if they were the coldest water your dry parched mouth has ever tasted. They'll sooth and refresh, encourage and strengthen your faith in our wonderful most awesome Father!
I used to wish that I could rewrite history
I used to dream that each mistake could be erased
Then I could just pretend
I never knew the me back then
I used to pray that you would take this shame away
Hide all the evidence of who I've been
But it's the memory of
the place you brought me from
that keeps me on my knees
and even thought I'm free
Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful you are
I am broken torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
Heal the wound but leave the scar
I have not lived a life that boasts of anything
And I don't take pride in what I bring
But I'll build an altar with
the rubble that you found me in
And every stone will sing
Of what you can redeem
Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful you are
I am broken torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
Heal the wound but leave the scar
Don't let me forget
Everything you've done for me
Don't let me forget
There's beauty in the suffering
Heal the wound but leave the scar
I used to wish that I could rewrite history
I used to dream that each mistake could be erased
Then I could just pretend
I never knew the me back then
I used to pray that you would take this shame away
Hide all the evidence of who I've been
But it's the memory of
the place you brought me from
that keeps me on my knees
and even thought I'm free
Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful you are
I am broken torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
Heal the wound but leave the scar
I have not lived a life that boasts of anything
And I don't take pride in what I bring
But I'll build an altar with
the rubble that you found me in
And every stone will sing
Of what you can redeem
Heal the wound but leave the scar
A reminder of how merciful you are
I am broken torn apart
Take the pieces of this heart
Heal the wound but leave the scar
Don't let me forget
Everything you've done for me
Don't let me forget
There's beauty in the suffering
Heal the wound but leave the scar
Monday, May 10, 2010
Don't make me come down there!
For those of you who are parents have you ever uttered a phrase like "Don't make me come over there!", or "Don't make me get up!"? Can't help but admit I have and with that statement came the understanding that if I DID have to get up, or come over there that the girls chances were up. Grace was no longer extended, it was time for justice! lol
As I was reading the account of the Tower of Babel in Genesis chapter 11 I couldn't help but think of those early parenting days when the girls were little and fussing about something or disobeying and I would utter those phrases. The NLT says in verse 1-5 of Chapter 11....."At one time all the people of the world spoke the same language and used the same words. As the people migrated to the east, they found a plain in the land ob Babylonia and settled there. They began saying to each other, "Let's make bricks and harden them iwth fire." (In this region bricks were used instead of stone, and tar was used for mortar) Then they said "Come, let's build a great city for ourselves with a tower that reaches into the sky. This will make us famous and keep us from being scattered all over the world." But the Lord came down to look at the city and the tower the people were building.
Uh says the Lord came down. Un late. They went to far. They disobeyed to much, to long and God in essence had to come down. You see, God had already told them to scatter all over the earth. And when God says for you to do will do it. Either of your own will...or not. I remember telling Hope one time to pick up her toys and she refused. (she was like 2 1/2) I physically went and opened her hand up and placed toys after toy in that little hand and she DID put them up. It wasn't by her own will...but it did happen. Fortunately Hope learned her lesson. I never had to do that again. She knew her Daddy and I meant what we said. Sometimes we as God's kids don't catch on so we? Those people were divided that day by different languages forcing them to scatter from each other and from "their" plan. That day they began carrying out God's plan. His plan will not be derailed or misled. It will happen.
Let's decide that we will obey so that we never hear God say "Don't make me come down there!"
As I was reading the account of the Tower of Babel in Genesis chapter 11 I couldn't help but think of those early parenting days when the girls were little and fussing about something or disobeying and I would utter those phrases. The NLT says in verse 1-5 of Chapter 11....."At one time all the people of the world spoke the same language and used the same words. As the people migrated to the east, they found a plain in the land ob Babylonia and settled there. They began saying to each other, "Let's make bricks and harden them iwth fire." (In this region bricks were used instead of stone, and tar was used for mortar) Then they said "Come, let's build a great city for ourselves with a tower that reaches into the sky. This will make us famous and keep us from being scattered all over the world." But the Lord came down to look at the city and the tower the people were building.
Uh says the Lord came down. Un late. They went to far. They disobeyed to much, to long and God in essence had to come down. You see, God had already told them to scatter all over the earth. And when God says for you to do will do it. Either of your own will...or not. I remember telling Hope one time to pick up her toys and she refused. (she was like 2 1/2) I physically went and opened her hand up and placed toys after toy in that little hand and she DID put them up. It wasn't by her own will...but it did happen. Fortunately Hope learned her lesson. I never had to do that again. She knew her Daddy and I meant what we said. Sometimes we as God's kids don't catch on so we? Those people were divided that day by different languages forcing them to scatter from each other and from "their" plan. That day they began carrying out God's plan. His plan will not be derailed or misled. It will happen.
Let's decide that we will obey so that we never hear God say "Don't make me come down there!"
How do you think Joshua felt?
I've been doing some reading in the Old Testament and the book of Joshua seemed to be calling my name so I have camped out there for a few weeks. I have allowed my sanctified imagination as my pastor calls it to imagine what it must have been like for Joshua. Can you imagine all that he saw and experienced while under Moses' leadership? Imagine how close their personal relationship was, maybe like a father and son, or an Uncle and nephew. Have you ever had the same pastor for years and then him be moved somewhere else or be called on home to glory? It is a very hurtful and empty feeling. You can even experience the feeling of abandonment. It will shake and test your faith of who you are really following...God...or man.
In Joshua chapter one we see Joshua being placed in the role of leadership after Moses' death. In verse 5 we find reassurance from the Lord "I will not fail you or abandon you." (There's that word by the way...abandon..hmmm) Then in verse 6 he tells Joshua to be strong and courageous. Then in verse 16 of chapter one we read the people's response to Joshua's leadership and it is in this verse I spent some time thinking about their words and Joshua's possible response. The NLT reads like this "They answered Joshua, "We will do whatever you command us, and we will go wherever you send us. v17 We will obey you just as we obeyed Moses. And may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses." At first glance this all sounds great! I mean it sounds like they accept one has risen up to say he shouldn't be their leader. That's good. They agree to do what he commands and go where he leads. That's awesome! But then I read the next part and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself wondering how Joshua felt when he heard it "We will obey you just as we obeyed Moses."...un huh. Hmmmmmmm. O.k., kinda scary. Weren't these the same people who had a problem obeying? Weren't they kind of the grumbling sort? Didn't they chunk Moses as leader to the side just because he was up on the Mountain (with the way) longer than they thought he should be and chunked their gold into a fire and formed a calf to worship???? So how do you think Joshua felt when he heard that they would obey him just as they had Moses? I don't know how he felt, but I think I would be a little worried, no, a LOT worried!
Joshua continued on with God's plan. If he had doubts about the leadershp role and how the people "would" obey...he never showed it. He continued on doing exactly what God said for him to do. Isn't that what we all need to do? Don't worry about others and if they are following correctly...let us just lead correctly. Let us keep our focus on the Lord and his plan for US. May we not be consumed with worry, doubt, or dread, but instead let us just keep obeying and trusting.
In chapter 2 of Joshua the spies are sent into the land to check things out. In chapter 3 Joshua begins his journey toward the promised land and to cross the Jordan. In verse 7 of chapter 3 this is what the Lord says "Today I will begin to make you a great leader in the eyes of all the Israelites. They will know that I am with you, just as I was with Moses..." It dawned on me...Joshua had been leading the people and obeying the Lord but it was "this" day that God began to show the children of Israel Joshua was their leader. It was "this" day that they would begin to see that God WAS with Joshua and that Joshua was doing God's will. That spoke to me so deeply. Jeremiah 29:11 says that the Lord has a plan for each of us. We may know that plan and begin on our journey for that plan long before God makes it evident to those around us. It may take obedience and faith to follow when no one else believes...or supports. BUT....if we continue on...God will make it known one day. He may just be beginning "this day" to make you a great leader. Stick to it. Stick to the plan. Be obedient and be passionate about the plan He has for you...let God show those around you. You don't have to prove anything to anyone...just love God and follow Him.
In Joshua chapter one we see Joshua being placed in the role of leadership after Moses' death. In verse 5 we find reassurance from the Lord "I will not fail you or abandon you." (There's that word by the way...abandon..hmmm) Then in verse 6 he tells Joshua to be strong and courageous. Then in verse 16 of chapter one we read the people's response to Joshua's leadership and it is in this verse I spent some time thinking about their words and Joshua's possible response. The NLT reads like this "They answered Joshua, "We will do whatever you command us, and we will go wherever you send us. v17 We will obey you just as we obeyed Moses. And may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses." At first glance this all sounds great! I mean it sounds like they accept one has risen up to say he shouldn't be their leader. That's good. They agree to do what he commands and go where he leads. That's awesome! But then I read the next part and I couldn't help but chuckle to myself wondering how Joshua felt when he heard it "We will obey you just as we obeyed Moses."...un huh. Hmmmmmmm. O.k., kinda scary. Weren't these the same people who had a problem obeying? Weren't they kind of the grumbling sort? Didn't they chunk Moses as leader to the side just because he was up on the Mountain (with the way) longer than they thought he should be and chunked their gold into a fire and formed a calf to worship???? So how do you think Joshua felt when he heard that they would obey him just as they had Moses? I don't know how he felt, but I think I would be a little worried, no, a LOT worried!
Joshua continued on with God's plan. If he had doubts about the leadershp role and how the people "would" obey...he never showed it. He continued on doing exactly what God said for him to do. Isn't that what we all need to do? Don't worry about others and if they are following correctly...let us just lead correctly. Let us keep our focus on the Lord and his plan for US. May we not be consumed with worry, doubt, or dread, but instead let us just keep obeying and trusting.
In chapter 2 of Joshua the spies are sent into the land to check things out. In chapter 3 Joshua begins his journey toward the promised land and to cross the Jordan. In verse 7 of chapter 3 this is what the Lord says "Today I will begin to make you a great leader in the eyes of all the Israelites. They will know that I am with you, just as I was with Moses..." It dawned on me...Joshua had been leading the people and obeying the Lord but it was "this" day that God began to show the children of Israel Joshua was their leader. It was "this" day that they would begin to see that God WAS with Joshua and that Joshua was doing God's will. That spoke to me so deeply. Jeremiah 29:11 says that the Lord has a plan for each of us. We may know that plan and begin on our journey for that plan long before God makes it evident to those around us. It may take obedience and faith to follow when no one else believes...or supports. BUT....if we continue on...God will make it known one day. He may just be beginning "this day" to make you a great leader. Stick to it. Stick to the plan. Be obedient and be passionate about the plan He has for you...let God show those around you. You don't have to prove anything to anyone...just love God and follow Him.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Tonight is our last lesson in "Experiencing the Words of Jesus"......I can't wait! It is going to be a sweet time! Please pray, and come ready to share!!! See you there....Love you all!!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Just talked with Karen and she said the side roads are a little slick already and the church parking lot is slick. We will have to try again next Tuesday! No excuse for us not to have our homework done and ready to SHARE...SHARE...SHARE!
Love you ladies,
Love you ladies,
Monday, March 1, 2010
Ladies, Ladies...LADIES!!!
I NEED Bible study tomorrow night! Don't you girls??? If the temps stay up...we will have it..even if there are some flakes as long as they aren't sticking! God has something special in store in the lessons on Forgiving and Speaking! I'm praying He speaks to us in a special sweet way that we will all leave feeling refreshed and ready for battle!
I was reminded today that it is definitely a battle. The world accuses us of being judgemental and yet they judge us in the same breathe as they call us hypocrites. They mock our faith and require perfection of us yet expect grace and all understanding toward themselves. They call us fake and yet they live a life far apart from God's word and his house and his followers and yet would tell you they "love Jesus" and are on their way to heaven and yet live a life of habitual sin. What a good job the enemy is doing to deceive them! In my experience today I was gently comforted by the Holy Spirit who dwells within me, and my Father...that I know that I know...was holding me close and being so affirming that He knows my heart. He KNOWS my intentions, my desires, my prayers, my tears he holds every one. He is the one I am accountable to...not the world. He also reminded me that he was mocked. He was the point that they killed the innocent lamb of God and mocked him as he hung in anguish. His scriptures tell us we will be hated. His word is truth. But I am reminded as well that his Word tells us He has overcome the world. Hallelujah!!! I have a job that only I can do. I have a purpose. Jeremiah 29:11 says so. I am important to the King of kings and Lord of lords. I am HIS child! Hallelujah again!
Let's pray for good weather and for good attendance and let's WORSHIP Him tomorrow night! He is WORTHY!!!!
I love you girls!
I was reminded today that it is definitely a battle. The world accuses us of being judgemental and yet they judge us in the same breathe as they call us hypocrites. They mock our faith and require perfection of us yet expect grace and all understanding toward themselves. They call us fake and yet they live a life far apart from God's word and his house and his followers and yet would tell you they "love Jesus" and are on their way to heaven and yet live a life of habitual sin. What a good job the enemy is doing to deceive them! In my experience today I was gently comforted by the Holy Spirit who dwells within me, and my Father...that I know that I know...was holding me close and being so affirming that He knows my heart. He KNOWS my intentions, my desires, my prayers, my tears he holds every one. He is the one I am accountable to...not the world. He also reminded me that he was mocked. He was the point that they killed the innocent lamb of God and mocked him as he hung in anguish. His scriptures tell us we will be hated. His word is truth. But I am reminded as well that his Word tells us He has overcome the world. Hallelujah!!! I have a job that only I can do. I have a purpose. Jeremiah 29:11 says so. I am important to the King of kings and Lord of lords. I am HIS child! Hallelujah again!
Let's pray for good weather and for good attendance and let's WORSHIP Him tomorrow night! He is WORTHY!!!!
I love you girls!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Stone Was Rolled Away.....
I'm a huge fan of Max Lucado and the way in which he writes. Here is an exerpt from our Bible Study that just excites me...wanted to share it with you!
Matthew 28:2-4 Talks about the stone being rolled away by the is Max's take on it.
"Why did the angel move the stone? For whom did he roll away the rock?"
"For Jesus? That's what I always thought. I just assumed that the angel moved the stone so Jesus could come out. But think about it. Did the stone have to be removed in order for Jesus to exit? Did God have to have help? Was the death conqueror so weak that he couldn't push away a rock? ("Hey, could somebody out there move this rock so I can get out?") I don't think so. The text gives the impression that Jesus was already out when the stone was moved! Nowhere do the Gospels say that the angel moved the stone for Jesus. For whom, then, was the stone moved?"
"Listen to what the angel says: "Come and see the place where his body was" (Matthew 28:6) The stone was moved - not for Jesus - but for the women; not so Jesus could come out, but so the women could see in! Mary looks and Mary, and Mary is grinning the same grin she had when the bread and fish kept coming out of the basket. The old passion flares. Suddenly it's all right to dream again."
"Go quickly and tell his followers, Jesus has risen from the dead. He is going into Galilee ahead of you, and you will see him there." Matthew 28:7
"Mary and Mary don't have to be towld twice. They turn and start running to Jerusalem. The darkness is gone. The sun is up. The SON is out. But the Son ins't finished. One surprise still awaits them. Suddenly Jesus meets them and greets them and says not to be afraid. They fell and worshiped him! The God of suprises strikes again. It's as if he said, "I can't wait any longer. They came this far to see me; I'm going to drop in on them." God does that for the faithful. Just when the womb gets too old for babies, Sarai gets pregnant. Just when the failure is to great for grace, David is pardoned. And just when the road is too dark for Mary and Mary, the angel glows, and the Savior shows, and the two women will never be the same. The lesson? Three words. DON'T GIVE UP."
Is the trail dark? Don't sit.
Is the road long? Don't stop.
Is the night black? Don't quit.
God is watching. For all you know, right at this moment he may be telling the angel to move the stone.
The check may be in the mail.
The apology may be in the making.
The job contract may be on the desk.
Don't quit! For if you do, you may miss the answer to your prayers.
God still send angels. And God still moves stones!
Matthew 28:2-4 Talks about the stone being rolled away by the is Max's take on it.
"Why did the angel move the stone? For whom did he roll away the rock?"
"For Jesus? That's what I always thought. I just assumed that the angel moved the stone so Jesus could come out. But think about it. Did the stone have to be removed in order for Jesus to exit? Did God have to have help? Was the death conqueror so weak that he couldn't push away a rock? ("Hey, could somebody out there move this rock so I can get out?") I don't think so. The text gives the impression that Jesus was already out when the stone was moved! Nowhere do the Gospels say that the angel moved the stone for Jesus. For whom, then, was the stone moved?"
"Listen to what the angel says: "Come and see the place where his body was" (Matthew 28:6) The stone was moved - not for Jesus - but for the women; not so Jesus could come out, but so the women could see in! Mary looks and Mary, and Mary is grinning the same grin she had when the bread and fish kept coming out of the basket. The old passion flares. Suddenly it's all right to dream again."
"Go quickly and tell his followers, Jesus has risen from the dead. He is going into Galilee ahead of you, and you will see him there." Matthew 28:7
"Mary and Mary don't have to be towld twice. They turn and start running to Jerusalem. The darkness is gone. The sun is up. The SON is out. But the Son ins't finished. One surprise still awaits them. Suddenly Jesus meets them and greets them and says not to be afraid. They fell and worshiped him! The God of suprises strikes again. It's as if he said, "I can't wait any longer. They came this far to see me; I'm going to drop in on them." God does that for the faithful. Just when the womb gets too old for babies, Sarai gets pregnant. Just when the failure is to great for grace, David is pardoned. And just when the road is too dark for Mary and Mary, the angel glows, and the Savior shows, and the two women will never be the same. The lesson? Three words. DON'T GIVE UP."
Is the trail dark? Don't sit.
Is the road long? Don't stop.
Is the night black? Don't quit.
God is watching. For all you know, right at this moment he may be telling the angel to move the stone.
The check may be in the mail.
The apology may be in the making.
The job contract may be on the desk.
Don't quit! For if you do, you may miss the answer to your prayers.
God still send angels. And God still moves stones!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Baby Jenna
Many of you have asked about Baby Jenna. She and her family still are in need of your prayers every day! I am posting a link which is free to sign up for and you can see pictures of her and get updates posted by her mom, Christy.
Once you register just go to BabyJLW you will find Baby Jenna.
Love you all!
Once you register just go to BabyJLW you will find Baby Jenna.
Love you all!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Gospel Baptist Ladies Bible Study Group...
Here are a few things to ponder over the next month. (I've already discussed it with a couple of you.)
On day 5 of lesson 4 it talks about the theif who accepted Christ. I want you to think about the point that Max Lucado makes when he said that the thief was the last one to show love to Christ before he died. Had you thought of it that way? If today were your last day on earth could you say you had done an act of "love" for Christ?
I also went back and read chapter 23 of Luke. Verse 12 of chapter 23 makes the statement that Herod and Pilate became friends that day. The day they both rejected Christ and refused recognize him as Lord. says that they had been at "enmity" before that. What fused that friendship? Just found it interesting. I'll be anxious to hear your thoughts on it next month.
Here's another thought......What was the difference between the theives? Why did one suddenly change and see his need of a Savior? Why was his heart softened? Here are a few thoughts...
1. He had a momma who had been praying for him.
2. Someone at sometime in his life had taken him to temple.
3. Someone had shown him grace..and the love of Christ.
I can't wait to hear your thoughts! Like I always say is not just black words on white paper...These were REAL people. These were historical events. Dig deep...use your sancitifed imagination and lets ask the Holy Spirit to teach us all! I love you!
p.s. Also notice that in the story of Martha and wasn't Martha's service that was the was her attitude....Can't the same be said of all of us at one time or another?....But He is Forgiving! Hallelujah!!!!
On day 5 of lesson 4 it talks about the theif who accepted Christ. I want you to think about the point that Max Lucado makes when he said that the thief was the last one to show love to Christ before he died. Had you thought of it that way? If today were your last day on earth could you say you had done an act of "love" for Christ?
I also went back and read chapter 23 of Luke. Verse 12 of chapter 23 makes the statement that Herod and Pilate became friends that day. The day they both rejected Christ and refused recognize him as Lord. says that they had been at "enmity" before that. What fused that friendship? Just found it interesting. I'll be anxious to hear your thoughts on it next month.
Here's another thought......What was the difference between the theives? Why did one suddenly change and see his need of a Savior? Why was his heart softened? Here are a few thoughts...
1. He had a momma who had been praying for him.
2. Someone at sometime in his life had taken him to temple.
3. Someone had shown him grace..and the love of Christ.
I can't wait to hear your thoughts! Like I always say is not just black words on white paper...These were REAL people. These were historical events. Dig deep...use your sancitifed imagination and lets ask the Holy Spirit to teach us all! I love you!
p.s. Also notice that in the story of Martha and wasn't Martha's service that was the was her attitude....Can't the same be said of all of us at one time or another?....But He is Forgiving! Hallelujah!!!!
There will be no Ladies Bible Study tonight due to inclement weather. Go ahead and work on lesson 5 and we will cover both next month. Miss you girls already!!!
Monday, February 1, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Hannah Jacklyn Weaks....She's 16!!!!!!
Our baby girl turned 16 today! I can't hardly believe it. The years have passed soooo quickly! I remember so clearly giving birth to her on Super Bowl Sunday 16 years ago. I remember her head full of dark hair and that tiny 6lb 2oz, 18" body of hers! She looked just like a baby doll! We were so proud of her...some things never change. We are still proud of her. She is a beautiful young lady who knows Jesus as her Savior and has a heart as big as Texas! Her laughter is contagious and her smile will warm the coldest heart. She has a love for fashion and a passion for chocolate....your typical girl! lol Here are a few pictures of her on her special day. We got about 10 inches of snow on her birthday...Wow! She was scheduled to go to Boone for the weekend with all her girlfriends but that had to be rescheduled for later in February. We LOVE and ADORE you Hannah! HAPPY BIRHTDAY!!!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010
He's Coming.......
Psalm 13
How long will you forget me, O Lord? Forever? How long wil you hide your face from me? How long must I lay up cares within me and have sorrow in my heart day after day? How long shall my enemy exalt himself over me? Consider and answer me, O Lord my God lighten the eyes (of my faith to behold Your face in the pitchlike darkness), lest I sleep the sleep of death. Lest my enemy say, I have prevailed over him and those that trouble me rejoice when I am shaken. But I have trusted, leaned on, and been confident in your mercy and loving kindness; my heart shall rejoice and be in high spirits in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me.
This song is a plea of David during a no doubt difficult time in his life. He has been pouring out his heart to God with seemingly no response. He is still struggling with this trial and hurting and feeling overwhelmed and answer. No relief. He says "How long will you forget me, O Lord?". many times have I felt forgotten? How many times have I felt like my prayers weren't going any higher than the ceiling? How many times have I felt overwhelmed, discouraged, defeated and defenseless?...Many!'s the good news...God was right on time...EVERY TIME! And I have experienced his loving kindness, I know what it is like to sing and praise him for his bountiful goodness! Hallelujah!
I can't help but think of all the examples in God's Word about His children that felt that way. David we know often felt discouraged and alone. Moses I'm sure didn't think he could stand to hear one my Israelite grumble and complain, Joseph couldn't stand the thought of staying in that prison one more day, Elijah wanted to die under the Juniper tree because he just couldn't fight one more battle, Gideon wanted to hide in the winepress to thresh wheat he was so afraid of the enemy, and the list goes on and on. But precious ones, WE HAVE THE END OF THEIR STORIES!!!! We KNOW God showed up and showed out right on time! He brought relief to his children and glory to himself. They stood back and beheld his power and the realization that no one but God himself could have provided the answer. Wow!! What a God we serve.
Trust in His mercy. Trust in His loving kindness. Rejoice and let your spirits be high in His salvation. If you've've sent for Him....beieve me, He's coming!
How long will you forget me, O Lord? Forever? How long wil you hide your face from me? How long must I lay up cares within me and have sorrow in my heart day after day? How long shall my enemy exalt himself over me? Consider and answer me, O Lord my God lighten the eyes (of my faith to behold Your face in the pitchlike darkness), lest I sleep the sleep of death. Lest my enemy say, I have prevailed over him and those that trouble me rejoice when I am shaken. But I have trusted, leaned on, and been confident in your mercy and loving kindness; my heart shall rejoice and be in high spirits in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord, because He has dealt bountifully with me.
This song is a plea of David during a no doubt difficult time in his life. He has been pouring out his heart to God with seemingly no response. He is still struggling with this trial and hurting and feeling overwhelmed and answer. No relief. He says "How long will you forget me, O Lord?". many times have I felt forgotten? How many times have I felt like my prayers weren't going any higher than the ceiling? How many times have I felt overwhelmed, discouraged, defeated and defenseless?...Many!'s the good news...God was right on time...EVERY TIME! And I have experienced his loving kindness, I know what it is like to sing and praise him for his bountiful goodness! Hallelujah!
I can't help but think of all the examples in God's Word about His children that felt that way. David we know often felt discouraged and alone. Moses I'm sure didn't think he could stand to hear one my Israelite grumble and complain, Joseph couldn't stand the thought of staying in that prison one more day, Elijah wanted to die under the Juniper tree because he just couldn't fight one more battle, Gideon wanted to hide in the winepress to thresh wheat he was so afraid of the enemy, and the list goes on and on. But precious ones, WE HAVE THE END OF THEIR STORIES!!!! We KNOW God showed up and showed out right on time! He brought relief to his children and glory to himself. They stood back and beheld his power and the realization that no one but God himself could have provided the answer. Wow!! What a God we serve.
Trust in His mercy. Trust in His loving kindness. Rejoice and let your spirits be high in His salvation. If you've've sent for Him....beieve me, He's coming!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
How much warmth does it take?
After a few weeks of really, REALLY cold temperatures it got into the 50's today! felt sooooo good to get out of the car and not have every muscle in my body to tense up from the cold air. It was nice! I got off work at 2:30 and right before I got into the car to come home Mary sent me a text saying that I should go for a walk and enjoy God's creation. You know what?....I thought that sounded like a GREAT idea! I have not taken any time for myself in a while and I needed some alone time and she knows how much I love the outdoors. I had 2 1/2 hours before I had to pick up Travis form wrestling practice so I ran home changed clothes and headed to Chinqua Penn trail.
I pulled up in the familiar gravel lot and got out of the truck with nothing in hand. No cell phone, pocketbook, school books, or anything else that would weigh me down and even though I haven't ran in a couple of months I decided I would just see how far I could jog without falling As I began to run the trail...I began to run my mouth to the Lord as well. You've heard the term "spilled your guts"...well, I did just that. I told the Lord how I felt, how disappointed I was in the way some things were going, how hurt I was about other situations and how angry I was concerning others, how "I" wanted things to work out. And when I got it all out...I realized I had almost ran the whole trail and was still jogging. I began to look around at the scenery and it was beautiful. As the sound of my feet were pounding across the wooden brige I noticed that the water was still frozen. I noticed snow on the side of the bank that has now been there for a month! It is still white and footprints or tracks in it, still in tact. I got to thinking about how warm it had gotten today and yet it surprised me that this ice and snow were still present. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said .."How warm does it have to get to melt your heart?" At times we have places in our hearts...the "banks in the shade" if you will, that get cold with bitterness, jealousy, disappointment, broken promises, etc. and the ice and snow...just don't melt that easily. We may have warmth from a message or devotion or song that begins to warm and melt away the snow...but because we have it tucked so deep into the recesses of our remains cold and frozen. You see after I voiced all my complaints to the was then I noticed his creation. It was when I got "quiet" that he used this illustration of nature to warm my remind me of How GREAT He is ...and how small I am. To remind me that he has given me blessing after blessing, handfuls of puropse many, many days of my life.
As the coldness of my heart began to soften from the warmth of his love and conviction the Holy Spirit also showed me this. As I jogged around I noticed how barren the trees were and how you could see through them and far beyond what you'd be able to see come spring when the leaves filled all the open spaces. The Holy Spirit showed me that is exactly the way the Lord is with us. It is during our barren times...the coldness of life..the "winter" of life that even though circumstances may be confusing and we see no clarity whatsoever...there is one who becomes very clear...the Lord Jesus himself. When we are forced to our knees, when we cry out to our Father for is then that we see farther spiritually than we ever had. When the trees are green and lush and thick with leaves and life is good...we sometimes forget who those blessings come from. God help me to allow your Word to melt the coldness of the deep places of my heart...illuminate every part of me with your light and help me to recognize the times of difficulty as a time to know you better than I ever have. Thank you for a friend who obeyed a prompting by you to tell me to go for a walk/run. Thank you for speaking to me through creation and most of all thank you for listening and loving me.
I pulled up in the familiar gravel lot and got out of the truck with nothing in hand. No cell phone, pocketbook, school books, or anything else that would weigh me down and even though I haven't ran in a couple of months I decided I would just see how far I could jog without falling As I began to run the trail...I began to run my mouth to the Lord as well. You've heard the term "spilled your guts"...well, I did just that. I told the Lord how I felt, how disappointed I was in the way some things were going, how hurt I was about other situations and how angry I was concerning others, how "I" wanted things to work out. And when I got it all out...I realized I had almost ran the whole trail and was still jogging. I began to look around at the scenery and it was beautiful. As the sound of my feet were pounding across the wooden brige I noticed that the water was still frozen. I noticed snow on the side of the bank that has now been there for a month! It is still white and footprints or tracks in it, still in tact. I got to thinking about how warm it had gotten today and yet it surprised me that this ice and snow were still present. Then the Holy Spirit spoke to me and said .."How warm does it have to get to melt your heart?" At times we have places in our hearts...the "banks in the shade" if you will, that get cold with bitterness, jealousy, disappointment, broken promises, etc. and the ice and snow...just don't melt that easily. We may have warmth from a message or devotion or song that begins to warm and melt away the snow...but because we have it tucked so deep into the recesses of our remains cold and frozen. You see after I voiced all my complaints to the was then I noticed his creation. It was when I got "quiet" that he used this illustration of nature to warm my remind me of How GREAT He is ...and how small I am. To remind me that he has given me blessing after blessing, handfuls of puropse many, many days of my life.
As the coldness of my heart began to soften from the warmth of his love and conviction the Holy Spirit also showed me this. As I jogged around I noticed how barren the trees were and how you could see through them and far beyond what you'd be able to see come spring when the leaves filled all the open spaces. The Holy Spirit showed me that is exactly the way the Lord is with us. It is during our barren times...the coldness of life..the "winter" of life that even though circumstances may be confusing and we see no clarity whatsoever...there is one who becomes very clear...the Lord Jesus himself. When we are forced to our knees, when we cry out to our Father for is then that we see farther spiritually than we ever had. When the trees are green and lush and thick with leaves and life is good...we sometimes forget who those blessings come from. God help me to allow your Word to melt the coldness of the deep places of my heart...illuminate every part of me with your light and help me to recognize the times of difficulty as a time to know you better than I ever have. Thank you for a friend who obeyed a prompting by you to tell me to go for a walk/run. Thank you for speaking to me through creation and most of all thank you for listening and loving me.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Are you standing on the edge?
Let me tell you a story......"A father and his two small daughters are at play. He's in the water; they jump into his arms. Let me restate that: one jumps; the other ponders. The dry one gleefully wathces her sister leap. She dances up and down as the other splashes. But when her dad invites her to do the same, she shakes her head and backs away." many times has the Father called me to "jump" and I shook my head and backed away! What about you? Are you wanting to enjoy the Christian life and the peace and joy that you know comes from total surrender to him but yet you are to fearful? You know you should obey and sing that song...or you know you should tithe, you feel him leading you to witness to that person at work, you feel his leading to volunteer at the homeless shelter or the nursing home, or just befriend the new member at your church that seems to be all alone. Whatever it is...are you standing on the edge of the pool? There are real fears in this world born out of legitimate concerns. Yet left unchecked they metatstasize into obsessions. We can almost become paranoid. You'll find yourself ignoring faith, never taking the plunge. Happy to experience life vicariously through others. Preferring to take the no risk rather than any risk. For fear of the worst, you never enjoy life at its best.
The one sister by contrast, jumps! Not with foolish abandon, but with belief in the goodness of a father's heart and trust in a father's arm. Oh dear sisters...Hasn't the Father proved himself enough?....You can trust can believe in his goodness and trust his strong arm!
The sister in my story.....I'm happy to report that she belived in her father. After extensive coaxing from her dad and coaching from her sister, she held her nose and jumped. Last tally, she's taken at least a dozen plunges. Good for her. Another fear has fallen victim to trust.
****portions from Max Lucado's book fearless...other portions from what God laid on my heart**** many times has the Father called me to "jump" and I shook my head and backed away! What about you? Are you wanting to enjoy the Christian life and the peace and joy that you know comes from total surrender to him but yet you are to fearful? You know you should obey and sing that song...or you know you should tithe, you feel him leading you to witness to that person at work, you feel his leading to volunteer at the homeless shelter or the nursing home, or just befriend the new member at your church that seems to be all alone. Whatever it is...are you standing on the edge of the pool? There are real fears in this world born out of legitimate concerns. Yet left unchecked they metatstasize into obsessions. We can almost become paranoid. You'll find yourself ignoring faith, never taking the plunge. Happy to experience life vicariously through others. Preferring to take the no risk rather than any risk. For fear of the worst, you never enjoy life at its best.
The one sister by contrast, jumps! Not with foolish abandon, but with belief in the goodness of a father's heart and trust in a father's arm. Oh dear sisters...Hasn't the Father proved himself enough?....You can trust can believe in his goodness and trust his strong arm!
The sister in my story.....I'm happy to report that she belived in her father. After extensive coaxing from her dad and coaching from her sister, she held her nose and jumped. Last tally, she's taken at least a dozen plunges. Good for her. Another fear has fallen victim to trust.
****portions from Max Lucado's book fearless...other portions from what God laid on my heart****
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