Monday, February 16, 2009

Lessons I learned in the Dark

We have started a new series in Sunday School and it is by Jennifer Rothschild. She became blind at 15 years of age and has several books out, but the one we are studying is called "Walking by Faith...Lessons I learned in the Dark" It has been soooo good!!! I encourage all of you to get it that have not read it. I have heard her speak at the Women of Faith conferences and she is a wonderful speaker and sings like an angel!

Here are some of the quotes she has given:

"Many of us STAND in faith but how many of us actually WALK by it?"

"It can be well with your soul even when it is not well with your circumstances"

"Being governed by your circumstances is walking by sight"

"When we allow ourselves to be dominated by fear, there is no room for faith"

There are so many more but those are enough to "chew" on for a while if you know what I mean. The truth and insight are great in each statement. As you read them ask yourself how they apply to you.

Jennifer has lived through many trials that most of us will never experience and yet she has such a love and passion for Christ that it is contagious! I leave SS each week feeling rejuvenated!

Father God, help me walk by faith and rest securely in your grace, knowing it is sufficient! Amen.

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