Girls, let me just tell ya....if you have never read Jennifer Rothschild's books or heard her are missing out!!! She is awesome! Our Sunday School class is just finishing up her book "Walking By Faith...Lessons I Learned in the Dark" and it has been a tremendous blessing!!! Here are a couple of quotes from this last week.
Concerning perspective....If you're perspective is right the following is true...
Waiting on God is something that will NEVER deplete you.....It will only streghten you!
Perspective being the key and here's the verse she referenced. Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He will give you the desires and secret petitions of your heart." (amplified version)
Don't delight in "what" God can do but in "who" God is! That's the key. That way the waiting won't be about him doing what you will be about loving Him, and trusting Him.
Another story she told as a great illustration was the while doing a family ancestory chart her mom found out that many, many years ago some of there family had been purposely buried facing the East because they wanted their resurrected body to be facing the Lord when he returned. What a great thought in death but she said what a better way to live!! We should LIVE FACING EAST!!! Be prepared sisters! Live our lives looking expectantly for His return! Another phrase she used was "Follow God with Tenacity." That is something I think just sounds fun! I've been called tenacious so the thought of following my Jesus that way is so enticing to me...what about you?
Well, that is all for is bedtime and this clay needs the rest. I hope you are encouraged by Jennifer's words.
I love you all!
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