Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Teaching my mind to "STAY"

Do any of you have a dog? We have a wonderful little Rat Terrier named Cookie. She is 12 pounds of pure love. This dog greets you with such energy that it is funny! She actually gets so excited she kinda snorts and snurls her lip...and her whole body wags...not just her little 1/2 inch nub! lol. She has a routine and she is the best thing about keeping it. But when we are outside she will not come to me when I call and she will not "STAY"....It is frustrating ....and embarassing. My neighbors dog is the same way....He is "off the leash" as they say and won't "stay" if his life depended on it! lol. Why are they this way? They haven't been trained. You see when Cookie first came to our home I worked non-stop to get her housebroken. By 3 months she was trained to pottie outside...hasn't had but maybe 1 accident in 5 years! She has trained her bladder to wait! But I never trained her to "stay"....afterthought says I really should Then this spiritual thought came to mind!...

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust in the Lord forever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength." Isaiah 26:3-4

How many times do I NOT have peace?....Maybe it is because my mind isn't trained to stay on the Lord. The verse in Isaiah promises is a PROMISE from GOD that he will keep us in PERFECT PEACE if our minds will just stay on Him. I want peace...don't you? I think everyone does. Lord, when the winds of this world are raging and the demands on our life seem overwhelming and we are troubled in our souls....let us remember we may not be "staying" us train our minds to stay on the Prince of peace!!! You Lord, will be faithful to your Word. You cannot lie and you have NEVER let anyone certainly won't start now! Boot Camp for my spiritual mindset.....Here I come!

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