Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day 2008

Happy Mother's Day to all you special moms out there! It is a day in which to honor our mothers and take time to reflect on what an impact they've had in our lives. I was blessed to have a mom who loved the Lord and loved me. She taught me right from wrong. She was (and still is) an amazing cook and always had something good for supper. She was an expert seamstress with many perfectionist tendencies (I guess this apple didn't fall far from the tree with perfectionist tendencies) and she was a constant.

I am a mom of 2 amazing daughters who the Lord has allowed me to raise and it is a JOY to do so!! I love being a wife and mom. I've never wanted anything else. I enjoy my job, I enjoy contributing financially but my greatest desire and deepest sense of joy is being right here at home being a wife and mom. It doesn't seem like they should be 17 and 14, where does the time go? I am trying my best to soak in every moment of every day because I know the day is soon coming that they will be grown and out on their own.

I praise the Lord for allowing me to be a mother. I will continue to look to him to help me do the best job I can raising the girls!

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