Saturday, March 10, 2007

Fun Times With Friends

Hope had a sleepover with her ROTC buddies and they had a great time. There were 3 boys and 8 girls at my house last night and they were having a great time! They played hide-n-seek outside in the dark until about 11:30pm! They ate a lot of junk food and laughed a lot too! The guys left at 2:00a.m. and the girls didn't leave until 2:00pm. Hope is certainly blessed with a lot of good buddies. It was a joy to have them here and yes, (for those of you who know me...) the house did recover! LOL!
Matt is feeling REALLY special in this picture!
Goofy Guys!
Goofy Girls! (but not as goofy as the
Pretty girls!

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