Thursday, March 24, 2011

Being Thankful out Loud...

I find myself being especially thankful this morning. The sunshine this morning is a welcome sight after the storms of last night. It is bright, beautiful and its rays brings warmth to my body as I stand outside in the cool of the morning. I am thankful that when the storms of life hit my anchor holds, which is Jesus Christ and that at the end of the storm there is always a blessing like the sun, shinning bright and warming my soul.

One of my favorite verses in Timothy is chapter 2 verse 13 "If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is." I tend to be unfaithful to a lot of things, dieting is one of them. I start out strong, determined and focused until something sweet passes in front of me or my stomach starts gnawing and then I am unfaithful. I also find it hard sometimes to be faithful unless I have someone doing the activity with me. That is why I have always been such a believer in organized Bible studies because it gives me that sense of accountability to get my homework done. Once you are out of that environment, you tend to not be as disciplined or faithful to the Word. But God is not like that. He is ALWAYS faithful!!! What a comfort! I am so thankful for this truth!

My family is and always will be my focus outside of Christ. They are the most precious and rare jewel I possess on this earth. They bring me joy, laughter, comfort, support, encouragement and just a sense of why I was put on this earth. I am truly thankful for them.

I hope that I continue this attitude of thankfulness because God is truly deserving of children who are appreciative. I don't want to complain and be negative because I know that must hurt Him. I want Him to know I love Him and I am so thankful for my salvation and for His unchanging, unfailing, unfathomable love!

Be blessed everyone and have a GREAT day~!

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