Monday, July 30, 2007

Girls Weekend!!!!

My friends Julie Layman and Shauna Tabor came to see me this past Thursday and stayed thru Sunday. We had a blast! We shopped, ate (a lot), went to the movies, shopped some more, exercised (although they protested....j/k) and even got to worship together on Sunday morning at church. What a blessing it is to have them in my life. They are 2 of the most amazing women I've ever met. They are compassionate, sincere, funny, and full of life! We made memories we'll cherish for a lifetime. The following pics were a few they took while here.

1 comment:

dolores said...

You guys look like you had a ball! Isn't it great to have close friends like that where you can go and have fun and just be silly! I have some friends here that we have a great time together and it's just so much fun doing "girl" things! And yes we also LOVE to shop!!( Wouldn't be girls if we didn't,LOL )