Sunday, December 28, 2008

Have you heard the expression....

"I got more than I bargained for"? Well, that has been on my mind today. I think it totally describes salvation and the Christian walk. You see when I got saved I just wanted relief! Yep, you heard me....I just wanted to be able to sleep at night, to not feel "guilty" anymore, to have peace and to not be afraid of dying and going to hell for eternity. That was it. What I got at salvation was all those things but boy oh boy did I ever get "more than I bargained for!"

You see, over the years of my Christian walk and growth in Him I've expereinced more than just peace....I experienced peace that passes all understanding. When Hope had to have her skin cancer removed this summer.....peace...not panic. Was that me?...are you kidding? was my Father! When Hope and Ben split up and it seemed that the young man I loved and knew was changing and going in a direction away from the Lord and Hope's heart was broken in pieces, I wasn't in a tailspin....I just prayed, waited, trusted. Guess what? God did a work in them both that I NEVER could have done and now they are not only back together and happier than they have ever been, they are determined to serve Christ together. They want to live for Him, serve Him, grow in Him. Wow...again....that was God! Doug had melanoma taken off his back this year...again...peace...that was my Father. I've been praying for months about a certain situation not seeing any results but God was working behind the scenes so to speak and he heard my prayers...every single word of them, he answered in His time, not mine. I'm glad His timing is always perfect. Hannah was flying at cheer practice and was dropped on her head and shoulders, when the coach called....peace....not panic...thank you Lord. Hannah was fine, sore and stiff for a couple of days but fine. You see that day they were practicing on the grass outside....not the hardwood floors of the gym....coincidence? ....NO WAY!!..That was my father once again.

I could type for hours and hours and not even skim the surface of what all God has done for us in 2008. It really is humbling to think upon it. Did I deserve His goodness?.....Oh no, not even a little. But again, I got more than I bargained for. I have a Father who loves to give. In fact, you can't out give Him. He loves extravagantly, and gives unselfishly. I've thought things were impossible....He proved they weren't. I've given up some of my dreams, He comes along and surpasses my wildest dream or imagination. He is AWESOME!

Dear Sisters, God is good. He is worthy of all our praise and remember that being a King's kid is going to be "more than you bargained for"....but boy is it EXCITING!

1 comment:

Danita said...

How wonderful to Know Him, but how much the more to know that He knows me! I'm so thankful for His wonderful way of answering our prayers in His time, and in His way........and sending in His peace to override our panic!