Saturday, December 6, 2008

The rest of the story.....

Well, the banquet was last night and let me just say that God was faithful once again. I had been very sick this week and congested and God cleared my throat for me to sing and speak. Praise His name. This morning I awoke very conjested again and not able to sing so I know it was Him that intervened to help me. I also know he sent someone to encourage me and assure my heart that was so panicked on Thursday. Here's my story.

I went to the Dr. at 10:30 on Thursday and got a shot, nose spray and a pill to try to make the symptoms subside so that I could speak and sing at the banquet. Even though I knew God was in control, in my humanity I was panicked thinking how difficult it would be for that dear pastor's wife to find another speaker last minute. I went back to work feeling pretty yucky and sounding even worse than I felt and not even 10 minutes after I returned to the commercial room to begin work I had a customer walk in that I had never seen before. I greeted him out of formality and began his transaction. He leaned over the counter and said "Do you sing?" .....I looked up and answered "yes sir"...thinking how weird a question that was. Then he said "Do you play an instrument?"..........I stopped, looked up and said "Yes sir"...and at that moment began to realize that this was no ordinary transaction. He said in the kindest voice "You're gonna be just fine."....I couldn't hardly speak...I said "How did you know?"....he said, "The Lord will honor your attitude of gratitude" this time I could feel the tears coming....that is a phrase I pray all the time....Lord, help me have an attitude of gratitude. How could he have known???? Then as he took his receipt and headed for the door he said "I'll pray that the Lord's annointing be upon you tomorrow night." ...and he left. I have worked there over a year and I've never seen this man before. I've never experienced anything like that either. I was so humbled that God cared so much for his daughter and knew how panicked her heart was that he sent someone that I could hear audibly to comfort my heart. Wow....what a savior!! I did not worry anymore after that. I knew no matter how things turned out....they'd be o.k. I was once again able to focus on just being a vessel He could use. I've always read the verse that says we entertain angels unaware and I'm not saying that was what he was....he may have been just a very godly man who was so intune with his Savior that he obeyed his instructions to give me those words. But I do know to me he was as clear a picture of an angel of love that I have ever seen and I'll never forget that day.

The banquet was wonderful....the ladies had done a fabulous job of decorating and preparing, the food was wonderful, the games and skit so much fun and so refreshing for our souls and I had great liberty to speak. What a blessing. I pray that someone in that place will be encouraged by something I've said. We serve a wonderful Savior.

Thanks to all who prayed for me....our Father heard every word! I love you all!

1 comment:

Danita said...

Reading this gave me shivers down my spine again! Of course it was God who sent that man in to comfort you. He knows our humanity, and He knows when He needs to speak to us in His still small voice or if we need something more. I am so glad God intervened for you and for the banquet! I must say that I knew He would, because as I prayed for you over and over and over......He spoke to me in His still small voice and let me know that everything was going to be alright! We serve a great big God, nothing is impossible with Him!