For anyone who knows anything about me, they know that our baby girl moved into her own apartment December 31, 2011 to go to school in Chapel Hill, NC. We thought we had covered just about everything she would need. She was taking her bed, we bought her a sofa for Christmas and she had bought 2 chairs. She had dishes, silverware, cookware, towels, etc. But right before she moved I realized she didn't have a vacuum cleaner. Did I just hear you gasp?...because that was what my OCD cleaning self did! I inwardly gasped and thought..."She HAS to have a vacuum cleaner!" She wasn't really into the idea of spending her gift cards on this particular item so out of my generosity (ha!) I gave her mine and decided to get me a new one.
I didn't want to spend a whole lot of money on it, #1. because I know that my Panasonic vacuum will be coming home in 10 months and #2. We didn't have a whole lot of money, I mean, let's be real, we have a daughter in college! I did some online looking, read some reviews and decided to go with the Eureka light speed. It is a lovely yellow...bright and "clean" looking just in it's structure. I like that!! lol
Upon reading the reviews and the instructions I knew that this dust cup should be emptied after every use and the filter should be cleaned after every use. I thought, "hmmmm...ok." I was so excited to use it. I made sure everything was snapped on and plugged up and I began to vacuum Hannah's room since it was missing the bed and looking pretty sparse on furniture. I was so happy that it was light and easy to push but the real question was "How well did it clean? Was the suction strong enough to pick up dust and particles out of the carpet?" I thought I had covered the area well it was time to shut it off and look at the dust cup. I turned it off with my foot and went around to look into the cup. This was one of those moments that I was horrified, shocked and grossed out! That cup was over 1/2 full from using it in 1 room!!! I moved across the hall and began to use it in my room but it didn't seem like it was doing as well. I could feel that the suction just wasn't as strong as I pushed it along. I turned it off and pulled the canister off and went to empty it and clean the filter. The canister part was easy! Didn't even have to to touch the dirt...just push a little button that released a trap door and out it came. The filter however was a little different. The lint and dirt was deep into its ridges. I found that a dry stiff paint brush was just the ticket to clean in the creases!
Once reassembled it was ready to go and did a great job! Worked and performed just like it should! You may be wondering "Where in the world is she going with this one?"
Ok, hold on, here we go.....My old vacuum did a good job but I don't ever remember it grossing me out like this one did. The difference?....Seeing the dirt. I wonder how many times my other vacuum wasn't doing as good a job as it should but because I couldn't see the dirt inside the bag I just kept using it. Thinking I was doing a good job and things were "clean". Then the Lord turned my thinking to my spiritual condition and just how "clean" was I? How many things in my life keep me from really "seeing" the dirt in my life. One thing that covers the filth is justification or what about comparing? You know, you compare your "bad" to others and you always choose people who are really a sure thing to make you feel like you are living ok. Or what about busyness? We are just in a hurry, say a quick prayer, read one verse, have the app on our phone to send us a verse or spiritual thought to make us feel like we've spent time with God and met our requirement. Just like the times I would speed vacuum to make the carpet look fresh...look clean but never realizing the dirt was still there because the filter and bag was full of dirt and the suction it needed wasn't there. Psalm 51:2 "Wash me thoroughly (and repeatedly) from my iniquity and guilt and cleanse me and make me wholly pure from my sin!" amplified version
That's what made the new vacuum work..I took the filter off and thoroughly cleaned the dirt out. That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or
wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish" Ephesians 5:26 &27. It is the Word that "shows" us how dirty we are and washes us clean. "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me"...I want God to clean my heart! I want to see the dirt so that I will be repulsed and DO something about it! As the Psalmist says in Psalm 51 "For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin [is] ever before me." God spoke to my heart and helped me realize that only then, only when my sin is before me, only when I see how dirty my heart is will I do whatever it takes to get it clean.
That is my last point. The reviews on my new vacuum really had a LOT of complaints about having to clean the dust cup and filter after every use. Made me kind of dread it. But when I actually cleaned it, it was NOT a big deal. It was easy. Took less than 5 minutes and WOW made a HUGE difference. Are you worried about how "hard" it will be to clean your heart?...How much you'll have to give up?....How will God look and think about you when He sees the dirt? Again His Word came to my mind...
I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Yes dear one, that's what he will do. He'll forgive you and make you clean. The enemy tries to tell you it will be hard. He might not forgive you. It really won't change anything. Lies, they are all lies!! It is as easy as confessing your sin. Admit to the Lord what you've done and turn from that sin and accept his forgiveness and his cleansing power. I know that not everyone likes to clean house like I do. But I do know every Christian loves to BE clean. It is the feeling you had the day you accepted Him as Savior and every stain that sin had made was cleansed and made white as snow. A clean slate, a fresh start, and more power to serve Him!
Then remember to do it daily. Just like that filter has to be cleaned after every use. So do we.
Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily. Psalm 86:3
He loves you dear one.....He wants to make you clean. Let Him.
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