We returned home from Jamaica around midnight on Friday and as I walked in the door to our home my heart was flooded with thankfulness. Just the clean smell of it and the warmth I felt from the central heat was more than I deserved. As far back as I can remember Thanksgiving has been a time of huge meals and family gatherings. A time to reflect on the goodness of God throughout the year. But this year was so very different for me. We were on a short term mission trip to Jamaica and though the temperature was in the high 80's instead of highs in the 40's or 50's, and there was no turkey, dressing or sweet potato casserole, and though there was a precious component of my family missing (Doug), it was truly the most thankful I have ever been and I think the most I have ever joyed in my heart because of my salvation and the relationship I have with Jesus Christ.
Jamaicans are economically struggling beyond what us Americans can imagine. It takes 85 of their dollars to make 1 of ours. There are no jobs and most evident on many of their faces, there is no hope. The majority of them believe that their works will get them to heaven, just being a good person. Even though you take them to the Word of God and show them verses like Ephesians 2:8-9...they still are so indoctrinated with false truths that it doesn't sink in. They have little to no respect for women in their culture and the children are not treated with love and compassion and in a lot of cases are not even protected. It is a survival, every man for themselves mentality. It is a dark, dark place spiritually. But amongst the darkness are some rays of light like Baylife Baptist Church where Bro. Cletus Titus and his dear wife Tammy are preaching and teaching the gospel. There is a Bible college called Fairview Bible College where young men and women (over 20 of them) are studying God's word and planning to give their lives to service for their King. There is an orphanage high upon a mountain called Robin's Nest where little children are loved, clothed and fed, and taught the Word of God by American missionaries who have given their life to the Lord and are serving him in this very remote location filled with many difficulties and challenges. Seeing these lights shining so brightly in such a dark place brought me to a place of conviction about my complaints in this life and to a place of crying out to God in repentance and eventually to a place of such joy in Jesus that it truly was the BEST Thanksgiving I have ever had.
I want to list just a few things that I am thankful for.
I have been taught the Word since I was 5 years old. Not false doctrine...the true Word of GOD!!
I know the peace that Jesus Christ gives his children and the grace that is available at just the right moment for every child of God.
I am respected by my husband and treated like a treasure.
I have clean water to drink and not only do I have food to eat, I have the foods I WANT to eat.
I have a job that not only pays me a salary, it has benefits such as insurance, paid sick days and vacations days and other perks.
I have air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter.
I have a clothes dryer and money to pay for the electricity it takes to run it.
I can go out to shop by myself and not be afraid.
I lay down at night and do not fear for my safety.
My family is here with me every day and I have the honor of loving them, spending time with them and watching them grow into beautiful young ladies.
I can get in my car and drive on roads that are free from potholes that could break an axle, and rules for the road that are obeyed such as no passing zones and red lights and speed limits.
My home is free from roaches and the constant road noise of the traffic with their horns constantly beeping and people yelling.
I can walk up and down my street without being offered drugs and seeing prostitutes.
The list could go on, and on. We are a people who are so spoiled and have blessings so bountifully heaped on us and yet we complain over EVERYTHING! God forgive us....God forgive me. Next time you complain about laundry....be thankful you have a washer and dryer. Next time you complain about cooking....be thankful you have food to cook. Next time you complain about traffic....thank God for paved roads. Next time you complain period....thank God for salvation which is in itself more than any of us ever deserved and yet he gave the ultimate sacrifice, his son for us. His love is extravagant and so are his blessings. Praise to the Lord...for He is worthy!
Thankful?....Oh yes...a million times yes!!!
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