Proverbs 10:1 "A wise child brings joy to a father, a foolish child brings grief to a mother."
As I read and mediatated on this verse the Holy Spirit showed me something I had not seen before. When children are good...the father has joy, but when they are foolish, the mother is the one with grief. Now that isn't to say that a mother isn't joyful when they are good or that a father doesn't hurt when they are bad...BUT...God knows a momma's heart. He knows that a mother worries and hurts deeper than a dad. A mother's love is just different. She is the one who sacrifices, stays up during the night, nurses the boo boos, prays over the friends they choose and the decisions they make. She is the PTO president, the homeroom mom, the one who makes treats for the whole team, the one who washes uniforms the night before the games, makes sure everyone has a lunch, etc., etc., etc.!! Mom's are in the thick of things all the time. And when a mom sees a child turning from the Lord, making a poor decision. It rips her heart out. Here's the part that really blessed my heart. As God inspired men to pen down his words over 2000 years ago, he made sure to have them pen these words "a foolish child brings grief to a mother." I don't think he did it to make sure that us moms know we should hurt, or it is our job to have heavy hearts; no, he did it to let us know he knows how we feel. The God of the universe, the creator, the one who gave you that special blessing called "a child"...he knows how you are hurting and he cares.WOW!! Thank you Lord that when we face the storms of life you know how we feel. There is one thing for a friend to sympathize with you, but it quite another when a friend empathizes with you. Jesus empathizes with you and I dear sister. And not only does he know how we feel, he has the power to change the situation. As we cry out to him to intervene, we can say with confidence, "Lord you KNOW how we feel". Praise be to a Savior who cares about every part of our life and our emotions!!
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