Wednesday, April 1, 2009

How blessed I am!

Today is my b-day, and by this world's standards a pretty significant one. I am 40 years old today. There is a lot of hype about this birthday. I've heard people say that they are depressed on this birthday but I am totally the opposite! You see I have the BEST girlfriends and family in the world and they made my 40th b-day a hoot!

My best friend in GA started celebrating my birthday 40 days ago! She has sent me a card for the past 40 days with sweet messages, funny lines, and pictures from the past that have been such a joy to receive! These days the mailbox only holds junk mail or bills both of which are not very much fun so receive an actual greeting card for 40 consecutive days was a treat! Then yesterday she sang Happy Birthday Eve to and 15 hours out she started sending me a text every hour on the hour telling me how quickly my new age and entering a new decade was coming! lol!

My two best friends in NC snuck into my yard and placed black "Over the Hill" signs for all to see today. Wasn't that a blessing? lol

Mary came this morning a little after 7 and brought me a gift and card and delivered her very own b-day hug! How sweet!

Doug woke me up by singing to me and had my towel laid out with the sweetest b-day message ever and had my coffee ready for me in the kitchen....he is such a keeper! Both the girls had made special cards/letters for me. Hope cleaned my bathroom from top to bottom while I was at work....such a GREAT gift!

A sweet sister from church called this morning and sang to me and sent her greetings of love.

The girls at work gave me a gift card and made me a cake and one of my customers brought me a balloon and a card.

My future son-in-love Ben called and wished me a happy birthday this sweet!

My dear friend Julie in TN texted me and wished me happy birthday. Lots of FB friends left their wishes. I got a text from my niece Audra and one from my 2nd daughter Kaylea (Danita's oldest) An customer from the bank I used to work at called and wished me well.

Tonight at church many had sweet things to say and my dear friends Kathy and Terry Miller gave me the most beautiful hanging basket. Renea brought me a cupcake from "Delicious"...yummy!!! and a gift card to Dress Barn.

Whew! I'm sure I've missed someone but you get the jest of just how blessed my day has been. I may be a year older, I may be in a new decade, and I may even be "old" to some, but I am also loved and for me that is the most precious thing we can experience in this world. It was like a gift to me from the Father. For years satan told me no one loved me, I wasn't "worth" loving but I know better. God created me and has loved me always! And what a "handful of purpose" it is to know that I have so many people in my life that love me too.

Thank you Father God for this b-day and for all my friends and for the joy and love I've felt today.

Thank you friends for all your special touches on my b-day and on my life.

I love you all!!!

1 comment:

Landen and Brodie's Mommy said...

Well, I was sick on your birthday.:(

Been battling a sinus infection or something all week. YUCK! But don't think for a second that I didn't think of you. :) You may live 400 miles away, but you'll always be close to my heart. :)

I'm glad that you're birthday was made as apecial as it was. And your NOT old to me. :) I Love you! Dee Dee