Friday, October 10, 2008

Ladies Conference

Tomorrow is the annual Ladies Conference at Gospel Baptist Church and it will be a fun-filled, encouraging, challenging, and blessed time with other sisters in Christ. We are having some wonderful speakers. The girls and I will be singing right before lunch so pray for us! "Only Grace" by Matthew West is the song. Pray that we will minister to others through music. What a joy to have my girls on each side to praise the Savior with me in song! Thank you Jesus for that privilege. Renea and I are doing a skit in the morning...and we haven't had a chance to practice I hope it goes things I agree to! lol!

I'm looking expectantly for food from above and nourishment for our souls!

1 comment:

Danita said...

I pray that everything went well at the conference! Wish I could be there with you!