Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Staying True.....

God showed me something today and it really spoke to my heart so I wanted to share it with you guys. It may not come across to you the way it did to me, sometimes those lessons from my Lord are just for me but I trust you'll at least see where I'm going with this.

Today was the first day for Hope and Hannah to wear their JROTC uniforms to school. Hope is the Group Commander of the JROTC program at Rockingham County High School. This is Hannah's first year. As they stood next to one another in uniform for a picture (yes, you know I had to take a picture...even though they were running late to I couldn't help but notice how different their uniforms were. Oh, they were both dark blue pants and a light blue shirt. They both had to have their shirts tucked in and both had to wear belts and have thier shoes shined but there was an obivous difference. Hope's shirt was dripping with ribbons, metals, and chords that she has obtained over her years of service in the program and all that Hannah had was her small nameplate. Are they both in the program....absolutely! Are they both JROTC cadets.....Absolutely! The difference is that Hope has weathered some challenges and worked hard to obtain the ribbons she has. She has had to prove herself and work hard for each one of them. She has never been satisfied with what she has but has kept working to obtain more and more. She was in the top 6 last year but strove to be Group Commander this year. She had to write a letter of intent and interview with the JROTC Colonel and Seargents.

Here's the comparison; if we have called on Jesus to save us then we are ALL His children. That's settled. The difference is, some of us have weathered some storms and came out victorious by his grace and mercy. Some of us bear the marks of experience and determination to do His will. You know, when Hannah has had any questions about the program she has come directly to Hope and asked her to clarify it or her opinion. She knows that Hope knows by experience a lot more than she does. She looks up to her. You know, in Titus it tells the Aged women to teach the younger women. Why? Because they have obtained some ribbons of the faith and can give counsel and instruction from experience.

What if Hope suddenly decided to quit the program or maybe not drop out but just stopped striving. What if she became satisfied, complacent if you will, with her position. What kind of message would that send to all the cadets under her? I know for a fact that it would hurt Hannah and confuse her because of the passion and pride Hope took in her position. We should NEVER stop striving to be more like Jesus! There are people who are "new" to the "program" of faith that are relying on us! Paul took Timothy under his wing and called him a son in the faith. He trained him, lived by example in front of him and encouraged him to be all he could for Christ.

Now if you think all those ribbons came easily or without hard work you are mistaken. I have seen Hope train for the Marine Competition by doing over 100 sit-ups everyday, running, push-ups, flutter kicks, etc. There were days she could hardly move she was so sore and her muscles were screaming at her to STOP!! But she didn't! She knew the intense training was required if she were to be a fierce competitor. Listen dear sisters, no matter how much the world or satan screams at you to stop, don't listen! Keep training, keep reading the Word, kneeling to pray, praising Him with song, inspecting your heart. Keep it UP!!! There are many depending on us!

Another comparison I saw was when I thought about how Hope really wanted the Group Commander position this semester because she KNEW it was her last chance....she graduates after this semester and she wanted to finish being the best she could be. You know, we aren't promised tomorrow, God's word tells us that so we really need to strive to be our best every day!

If you are a more mature christian take that seriously! You are more important than you know to the future maturity of those young ones in the faith.

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