Monday, November 16, 2009

Renea brought this thought to my mind...

One of my dearest girlfriends Renea, told me tonight as we were talking about life and its difficulties that "What doesn't kill you will make you stronger or help you on down the road"....I told her I'd have to think about that one and then the Lord brought this verse to my mind and as I read it I saw something I'd never seen before. Oh, and the verse is in one of Renea's favorite books of the Bible by the

Isaiah 41:10 Amplified Version "Fear not (there is nothing to fear), for I am with you; do not look around you in terror and be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen and harden you to difficulties, yes, I will help you, yes, I will hold you up and retain you with My (victorious) Right hand of rightness and justice."

This past week we had Veteran's Day off from work and Hannah and Travis were off from school. The weather was terrible!!! All plans for a picnic outside in the moutains was definitely out! So we went to Greensboro for lunch at O'Charley's and then went shopping for our Samaritan's purse gifts for the shoe boxes and then swung by movie gallery to get a couple of movies. We decided once we got home out of the cold drizzling rain we were staying in! lol! Travis had never seen the movie Hoosiers with Gene Hackman. I wanted him to see it. I love that movie! Partly because it is about a basketball team and that is my favorite sport to play and because it is a real "feel good" movie too. The movie starts with Gene Hackman aka ...the new coach...coming into this small country town in Indiana where basketball is EVERYTHING. He is not received well to say the least. His coaching style is not how "it has always been done" ...and boy do the people grow to hate him...quickly! He doesn't listen to them though. When they think he should be running plays at practice...he's running the boys....and running them.....and running He is making sure their bodies are "conditioned" to not become tired during a game. He is also very clear that they are to follow his rules. He specifically tells them to pass the ball 4 times before it is to be shot. There is a player that thinks he can make the shot and disobeys the rules and he pulls him from the game. (that didn't make the town people any He is trying to condition them, and to teach them respect of authority and how to work as a team...he is trying to prepare them for the difficulties that they are going to face as they work toward the state playoffs...which they win by the way.

That is what stuck out to me in this verse...God says he will "harden us to difficulties".....He is trying to use those troubling times of life to teach us...just like Renea said, and he will even harden us to the difficulties that lie ahead. We don't have to be afraid. We don't have to wring our hands and look around in "terror" as the verse says....we can KNOW He will hold us up and harden us. This is just conditioning sisters! In the movie and in my life when I played basketball the conditioning I hated the most was what we called blood and guts...I think now they call them suicides...either way...they are painful and terrible!!....BUT....they work. Yes....they work. You may have something in your life that really is terrible. It may feel like you just cannot endure it, you can't take one more step, or deal with one more problem, not one more disappointment, not one more broken promise or empty words, not one more conflict....but dear child of God....he is hardening you and strengthening you....He is saying you do not have to be afraid. He is Just and He is with you! And You just like the Hoosiers...WILL BE VICTORIOUS!...His word says so! Amen!

Practical Applications for Parents

Hey sisters in Christ! I hope that you are all doing well. Yesterday at our church was baby dedication day and our Pastor preached an AWESOME message to the parents. He gave 18 practical applications for raising children and I just think I need to share them with you all. They WILL make a difference in your home if you abide by them.

1. Stay together - even when times are bad, even when your marriage feels hopeless...stay together and show them how to work things out. Show them that you never leave because things aren't easy but how it is possible to grow closer through the bad times.

2. Keep them in Church - and don't just send them.....TAKE them...go WITH them! Even if it comes to the point you have to make them go...make them. I am sure there were times when they didn't want to brush their teeth or take a bath but I feel pretty certain you made them do it any way. Don't let satan tell you the lie that they will rebel when they are older because you made them go.

3. Laugh and Have Fun Together - I LOVE THIS ONE!!! No home should be a stranger to laughter and fun. Do whatever it takes to make time for family fun! Mark a date on your calendar, schedule it in however you have to!

4. Tell & Show Them They are Important - Children need security that they are important to you. Go to their school events, be in the stands and cheer them on. Be sensitive to when they need to talk to you.

5. Learn to say "I love you" and "I'm sorry" - For those of you who saying I love you is a common thing...this seems silly to you, but there are homes that never utter these words. And all of us need to realize that we need to say I'm sorry and admit when we are wrong....there are no perfect children and by the same token there are no perfect parents either.

6. Love Unconditionally like God - do not base it on their performance in sports or academics, love them because they are yours and a gift from God.

7. Teach them young and teach them all the time - Look for everyday lessons, in creation, in sports, in life....teach, teach, teach!!

8. NEVER fuss in front of them - This one is soooo important. Doug and I have NEVER argued in front of the girls. You may think I'm joking...I'm not...ask either one of them...they'll tell you they've never heard us argue.

9. Never Contradict each other in front of them

10. Don't compare them to siblings or anyone - NEVER say "I wish you could make A's like your brother" ...or "Why can't you play ball like your sister!?"....never compare them to anyone!

11. Let them be who God made them to be - If they are shy..don't force them into situations that make them feel humiliated or horrified. If they are outgoing...don't try to stifle it!

12. Choose your battles carefully - don't be on them about every little imperfection....learn to let it go...and choose your battles carefully.

13. Discipline - Reward good behavior and punish disobedience.

14. Communicate - Talk and Listen

15. Say "no" and stick to it!

16. Know where they are at all times and who they are with

17. Be and example - show them what it means to serve Christ everyday

18. Pray for your children.

Put these into action and let's raise healthy, happy chidren who love the Lord.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Teaching my mind to "STAY"

Do any of you have a dog? We have a wonderful little Rat Terrier named Cookie. She is 12 pounds of pure love. This dog greets you with such energy that it is funny! She actually gets so excited she kinda snorts and snurls her lip...and her whole body wags...not just her little 1/2 inch nub! lol. She has a routine and she is the best thing about keeping it. But when we are outside she will not come to me when I call and she will not "STAY"....It is frustrating ....and embarassing. My neighbors dog is the same way....He is "off the leash" as they say and won't "stay" if his life depended on it! lol. Why are they this way? They haven't been trained. You see when Cookie first came to our home I worked non-stop to get her housebroken. By 3 months she was trained to pottie outside...hasn't had but maybe 1 accident in 5 years! She has trained her bladder to wait! But I never trained her to "stay"....afterthought says I really should Then this spiritual thought came to mind!...

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust in the Lord forever for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength." Isaiah 26:3-4

How many times do I NOT have peace?....Maybe it is because my mind isn't trained to stay on the Lord. The verse in Isaiah promises is a PROMISE from GOD that he will keep us in PERFECT PEACE if our minds will just stay on Him. I want peace...don't you? I think everyone does. Lord, when the winds of this world are raging and the demands on our life seem overwhelming and we are troubled in our souls....let us remember we may not be "staying" us train our minds to stay on the Prince of peace!!! You Lord, will be faithful to your Word. You cannot lie and you have NEVER let anyone certainly won't start now! Boot Camp for my spiritual mindset.....Here I come!

Sunday, November 1, 2009


I'm a little discouraged tonight....a little blue. Ever been there? Yeah...I know you have. I can almost see you shaking your head in agreement. It is kinda sad how easy us humans can get to that place of discouragement sometimes. I know that God's ways and thoughts are not the same as mine...his word tells me so in Isaiah 55:9. But it doesn't keep my flesh from wanting to see my prayers answered in my timing.

Last night was when we all got that wonderful extra hour of sleep. Perhaps, my favorite Saturday night of the about laying down knowing that you really are getting an extra hour just brings a smirk to my face and a peace to my soul. lol! Well, as we got in bed last night I asked Doug if he had turned his clock back and of course...dependable Doug had in fact already taken care of it. I reached to my clock and began to search for the button to change the time. I moved it back an hour and went to sleep. This morning when Doug woke me up to tell me my coffee was ready (he always fixes me coffee and breakfast on Sundays...awwww so sweet!) I smiled gave him a kiss and began to try to open my eyes which felt like they had been super glued shut! lol. When I did get them open I looked at the clock to see what time it was and it said 5:30a.m. .....I was like WHAT!!!???? I don't get up until 6:30a.m. on Sundays! I sat up and looked at Doug's clock which said ....6:30. Doug didn't mess up(strange how I automatically assumed it was Doug's doing) did my clock do that?...Well, turns our that it is like my cell phone and is smart enough and in control of things enough that it changes itself. Plain and didn't need my assistance. Its timing was perfect...until I messed it up.

Ok, hit me later today, "How many times have I helped God out and messed up the timing of His plan?"....."How many times have I thought I was helping but didn't read the instruction manual (His Word) close enough to know that I was really in the wrong?" If I had only read the instructions for my clock....I could have RESTED in the fact....not probability but FACT that it would take care of the time and in turn....that it was taking care of my getting up on time. Why am I not resting in the fact that God says He will answer my prayers? Why am I not rejoicing over what God is doing now...instead of being discouraged over what He is not doing right now? Dear Father....please forgive me. Help me trust in your me read the instruction manual and follow it. Help me have sweet rest while I am waiting for the buzzer of my prayers to be answered. You ARE in control!