After months of hardly any rain at all it is actually raining here in Reidsville, NC tonight. It is such a blessed sound! Our grass has been brown and crunchy for sometime now, the dust is horrible and the lakes are showing more and more ground and less and less water. I praise the Lord for the rain! I know He has been gracious and sent it to us. It isn't just any kind of rain either. He knew that a hard downpour would only result in run off and flooding. We are receiving the slow steady rain that the ground can soak up and benefit most from. Would you be surprised that even as desperately as we needed it there are some who are complaining that the rain came at an inconvenient time for them? I find that to be so sad. It is obvious when you look at the surroundings how desperately we needed it and yet there are some who are not satisfied with the timing. That got me to thinking. We are just like that about our lives. We want sunshine ALL the time! We complain when a little drizzle falls into our lives. We may have been healthy all year but complain when a little sinus trouble comes our way.....Not once been hungry without food but upset when we don't have EXACTLY what we want in the cabinets or on the table.....Complain that we are tired of wearing the same summer clothes and want a new season to come so we can have a change (said that one this week....feeling more and more convicted as I write this..) God forgive us...forgive me! It is the times of rain that make us appreciate the sun! It is the balance in life that only you Dear Lord know how to give that makes us more like Jesus. Just as God knew we couldn't handle a heavy rain without a lot of damage....He knows how hard the rains in your life and in my life need to be. Trust Him.
I'm sitting here listening to the traffic on the highway and the spray of the water as the cars go by and it is a wonderful sound. I will not complain that the rain is here....I WILL rejoice and praise my God from whom all blessings flow. I will trust that he knows best and that His plan for my life is perfect! I will try my best to soak up this spiritual lesson he is teaching me just like the parched ground is soaking up every raindrop!